Head of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection, Institute of Agrobiotechnology and Food Security,

Samarkand State University
Hoshimov Farhod Hakimovich

+998979274300  hoshimov1944@mail.ru


         Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor. Since 2020, he has been the head of the department, professor of the department of agrochemistry and plant protection at the Institute of Agrobiotechnology and Food Security of Samarkand State University. In 1971, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “The influence of iodine on the grape plant and the soil of the vineyard,” and in 1990, his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Ways to preserve fertility and increase the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers on irrigation-eroded soils.”

       Farkhod Khoshimov is the author of 10 monographs, 4 textbooks, 31 teaching aids. The scientist also published 5 articles in Scopus and Web of Science magazines.






Staff of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection



Akhmedov Salokhiddin Islomovich



Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2020, Salohiddin Ahmedov has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection of Samarkand State University.

He is the author of 9 monographs, 3 textbooks, 8 teaching manuals, and 2 methodological guides.

He has published 2 articles in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. Additionally, 60 of his articles have been published in international and national journals.


Toshkenboev Otabek Negmatovich


Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2020, he has been working at the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection of Samarkand State University. In 2003, he successfully defended his candidate dissertation on the topic “The impact of anthropogenic factors on the agrochemical indicators of the soils of the Zarafshan oasis.”

He is the author of 1 textbook and 2 teaching manuals.

He has published 4 articles in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.







Hazratqulov Shohnazar Abdusamatovich

Since 2024, Shohnazar Hazratqulov has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection of Samarkand State University. He is currently pursuing his doctoral studies at Humboldt University of Berlin, one of the top 100 universities in the world. His research focuses on the topic: “Treatment of biowaste and green waste for use as soil conditioner and fertilizer in agriculture.”







Radjabova Shaxlo Aliyevna


Since 2022, Shaxlo Radjabova has been working as a lecturer at the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection of Samarkand State University. She has published more than 10 articles in international and national journals.



Mo‘minov Faxriddin Qahramonovich

Since 2022, Faxriddin Mo‘minov has been working as a lecturer at the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection of Samarkand State University. He has published more than 10 articles in international and national journals.

Yoqubov Shahboz Mirzoqulovich

Since 2023, Shahboz Yoqubov has been working as a lecturer at the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection of Samarkand State University. He is conducting research on the topic: “The impact of biochar on the fertility of meadow-gray soils and the productivity of corn.”

He is the author of 3 methodological guides and has published more than 10 articles in international and national journals.

Miyzamov Dostonbek Jo‘rabek o‘g‘li

Since 2023, Dostonbek Miyzamov has been working as a lecturer at the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection of Samarkand State University. He is conducting research on the topic: “Nutrient ratio and fertilization at different growth stages of winter wheat.”

He has published more than 10 articles in international and national journals.


Baxriddinov Ozod Ulug‘bek o‘g‘li

Since 2024, Ozod Baxriddinov has been working as a lecturer at the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection of Samarkand State University. He has published more than 10 articles in international and national journals.

Sunnat Javliyev

Since 2024, Sunnat Javliyev has been working as a lecturer at the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection of Samarkand State University. He has published more than 10 articles in international and national journals.



Akhmedov Mekhrozh Saidolimovich


Since 2022, he/she has been working as a lecturer at the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection of Samarkand State University. He/She has published more than 10 articles in international and national journals.


About the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection

In 2022, by decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Institute of Agrobiotechnologies and Food Safety was created at Samarkand State University. The Institute includes the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection. The department offers the following undergraduate majors: 60810700 – Agrochemistry and agro-soil science, 60811000 – Plant protection (by type of crop), 60811800 – Fruit growing and viticulture, 60811900 – Vegetable growing, rice growing and potato growing and 60812000 – Organization and management of a greenhouse, as well as 9 master’s specialties : 70530702 – Experimental agrochemistry, 70810702 – Agrochemistry, 70811001 – Plant protection (by methods), 70811901 – Vegetable and melon growing, 70811803 – Viticulture and pre-processing of grapes, 70811902 – Potato growing, 70811804 – Biotechnology in fruit and vegetable farming, 70812001 – Growing fruits and vegetables on protected lands and 70811802 – Subtropical and citrus fruit crops.

Currently, 10 professors and teachers work at the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection. Of these, 1 is a doctor of sciences-professor, 3 candidates of sciences, 6 assistants. 10 professor-teachers work on a part-time basis.

The teaching staff of the department conducts research with employees of the Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Research Institute of Plant Protection, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Bukhara State University, Andijan Agrotechnological Institute, Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances of the ANRUz, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (TSHA) -RGAU), Voronezh Agrarian University, Saratov Agrarian University, Volgograd Agrarian University, Nizhny Novgorod Agrarian University, Shelkovo-Agrokhim JSC (Russia).


Study programs taught at the department

Bachelor's degree

Sustainable Agriculture

General entomology and zoology


Analytical agrochemistry

Soil science and agrochemistry

General phytopathology and microbiology

Plant immunity

Sericulture and beekeeping

General principles of plant quarantine

Pests of forest ornamental plants

Protection of fruit crops from harmful organisms

Protection of vegetable crops from harmful organisms

Control of plant diseases and pests in the greenhouse

Plant protection

Methods of agrochemical examination

Plant pathology

Agrochemistry in cotton


Quarantine plant pests

Biological plant protection

Quarantine plant diseases

Agrochemical service in agriculture

Creation of an agrochemical map and differentiated use of fertilizers

Nutrition and fertilization of crops in intensive gardens

Fertilizer system

Basics of nutrition and fertilization of indoor soil crops

Phytoexpertise for plant and product quarantine

Early detection of crop pest development

Ticks, nematodes, rodents and measures to combat them

Agricultural entomology

Agricultural phytopathology

Protection of greenhouse crops from pests

Quarantine weeds and their control

Protection of fruit crops from harmful organisms

Protection of vegetable crops from harmful organisms

Master's degree

Theory and means of biological plant protection

Use of pesticides in residential areas

Biology and systematics of insects

Technology of reproduction and use of biological agents

Herbicides and plant growth regulators

Creation of agrochemical maps and their use.

Sustainable development of soil science and agrochemistry

Use of microfertilizers in irrigated agriculture

Nutrient solutions and fertilizers for protected areas

Creation of agrochemical maps and their use.

Sustainable development of soil science and agrochemistry

Physiological bases of mineral nutrition of plants.

Soil properties and their importance when applying fertilizers.

Theory and means of chemical plant protection.

Plant protection systems

Modern plant protection technologies

Diagnostics and prognosis in plant protection

The use of biological methods in the fight against garden pests.

Sustainable development of soil science and agrochemistry

Non-traditional fertilization system

Modern chemical protection technologies

Pesticide application technology

Modern technologies for protecting grapes from diseases and pests

Photos from the activities of the department