Head of the Master's Center

Nizamova Nigora Negmatovna

  •  Reception days: Monday, Wednesday, -Friday from 15:00 to 17:00
  •  Phone number: 0-366-239-15-23
  •  Email: n-nizomova@samdu.uz


О центре

At Samarkand State University, the master's department was created in 1999. The Master's Department was headed by Associate Professor O. Pardaev (1999-2002), Associate Professor Yu. Dzhuraev (2002-2003), Associate Professor R. Eshurbiev (2003-2011), M. Muminov (2011-2013), Associate Professor Z. Rakhmonova (2013-2017), Associate Professor Kh.H. Ruzimuradov (2017-2019). Since May 2019, the head of the department is N.N. Nizamova.

Currently, the department of magistracy operates in accordance with the “Regulations on magistracy”, which came into force by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 2, 2015 No. 36.

In the first year of the master's program, 380 master's students study in 47 specialties, in the second year - 237 master's students in 41 specialties - a total of 617 master's students. Seven of them are citizens of foreign countries (Korea, China and Afghanistan). The preparation of masters in these specialties is entrusted to 50 departments. Each faculty has classrooms for undergraduates, equipped with CCTV cameras and a video projector.

Experienced professors and university teachers are involved in teaching disciplines in specialties and for scientific supervision of master's theses. In addition, well-known scientists and specialists from leading universities and research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan were invited to the educational process and to guide the research activities of undergraduates.

Particular attention is paid to attracting undergraduates to scientific research, active participation in conferences, and publication of scientific works based on the results of their observations and research. Most of them give presentations at a traditional undergraduate scientific conference based on the topics of their dissertation. In recent years, collections of two parts based on the results of the master's conference have been published.

A number of our talented students conduct serious research during their master's studies and receive prestigious government scholarships and awards.


Responsibilities of the Master's Center:

  • Coordination of the activities of Samarkand State University with official departments and deans;
  • Ensuring and monitoring the implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan On Education, decrees, orders, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, resolutions of the board, orders, instruction letters, modemograms and telephone messages of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, as well as orders of the rector at faculties and departments;
  • Bringing to students the content of decrees and resolutions adopted by the President and Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Development of the necessary regulatory documents for masters, their regular improvement based on the requirements and proposals of personnel customers;
  • Conclusion and implementation of agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation between the university and enterprises, organizations, private enterprises and firms;
  • Coordination and control of the activities of all departments of the university for the preparation of masters;
  • Providing assistance in organizing and implementing the educational process for preparing masters;
  • Monitoring the quality of education and training offered to postgraduate students;
  • Monitoring the implementation of tasks assigned to teachers participating in teaching activities in the master’s program, increasing their social, professional and personal activity;
  • Systematic analysis of the current state of master's programs, identification of problematic situations, determination of priority areas for the development of master's programs;
  • Regular monitoring of future employment of masters;
  • Monitoring the implementation of master's students' scientific, pedagogical, research and master's activities in the preparation of master's theses in accordance with the master's students' work calendar in accordance with the Regulations “On Master's Degrees”;
  • Analysis of issues related to the preparation of masters and ensuring regular preparation of reports on them.
  • Ensuring the effective organization of IGA tests and the defense of master's theses.



Regulations on the Master's program

Internship Regulations

Master's student work schedule

Master's program of scientific, pedagogical and research activities