Meeting of the scientific council DSc.03/30.12.2019.F.02.02

The following meeting of the Scientific Council number DSc.03/30.12.2019.F.02.02 at Samarkand State University is held at 1000 аnd 14:00 on November 19, 2022.
1. Defense of the dissertation of the researcher of the Chirchik State Pedagogical University Kosimov Fayzullajon Sa’dullaevich on the topic of “Socio-philosophocal foundations for the development of human capital in the renewing Uzbekistan” in the specialty of Social Philosophy - 09.00.04 for the title of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
2. Defense of the thesis of Yahyaeva Sojida Abdurakhimovna on the topic "Spiritual-ideological issues of the formation of aesthetic culture in young people" 09.00.02-Philosophy of consciousness, culture and forms of practice (Esthetics) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
Various matters
Address: Samarkand city, University Avenue 15, History faculty of Samarkand State University, Floor 1, Room 105.