First vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs

Abbasov Subkhon Burkhonovich

  • Admission days: Monday (16:00-18:00)
  • Telephone: 0366-239-10-72
  • E-mail: 



Born in 1961 in Poyariq district, Samarkand region;
1984-1986: Senior laboratory assistant at the Karakul Scientific Research Institute;
1986-1987: Senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Geography and Geoecology, Samarkand State University;
1987-1993: Assistant at the Department of General Natural Geography, Samarkand State University;
1993-1996: Head of the Department of General Natural Geography, Samarkand State University;
1996-2001: Dean of the Faculty of Geography, Samarkand State University;
2001-2006: Head of the Department of Regional Natural Geography, Samarkand State University;
2006-2009: Head of the Department of Hydrometeorology and Landscape Studies, Samarkand State University;
2009-2011: Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Samarkand State University;
2011-2015: Vice-Rector for Spiritual-Educational Work, Samarkand State University;
2015-2016: Professor at the Department of Hydrometeorology, Samarkand State University;
2016-2017: Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Samarkand State University;
2017-2019: Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Ecology, Samarkand State University;
2019-2023: Director of the Regional Center under Samarkand State University;
2023-2025: Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Ecology, Samarkand State University;
Since 2025: Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual-Educational Work, Samarkand State University.


  • Organize the implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, presidential decrees and orders, and decisions of the Supreme Assembly and Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and personnel training.
  • Organize educational, scientific, financial, and spiritual-educational work based on state educational standards and ensure the training of qualified specialists.
  • Ensure that all deans, departments, chairpersons, and teaching staff are fully aware of the content of knowledge and requirements for preparation according to state educational standards.
  • Organize the execution of orders, decrees, and directives from relevant higher organizations, decisions of the university's Academic Council, and rector's orders concerning educational and training processes.
  • Study the development trends of educational systems in advanced countries, develop methods and tools for the implementation of the tasks outlined in the "Education Law," the "National Program for Personnel Training," and other education-related laws, and ensure their implementation.
  • Organize the introduction and effective use of advanced teaching methods, including distance learning and new pedagogical and information-communication technologies in the educational process.
  • Prepare proposals and organize activities in the relevant areas.
  • Coordinate, organize, and supervise the work of departments, deans' offices, and other units that ensure the educational process.
  • Approve and monitor the implementation of work plans for departments, faculties, and chairs.
  • Improve the quality of lectures, monitor and ensure the fulfillment of personal plans by professors and teachers.
  • Organize educational and scientific conferences, lead the university's methodological council and pedagogical skill improvement activities, and generalize advanced methodological practices.
  • Oversee the preparation and publication of educational-methodical and scientific materials, including journals and research collections, and manage the process of enriching the university library's collection with educational, methodological, and scientific publications.
  • Manage the process of identifying, selecting, and working with talented youth, provide support, and oversee the preparation of prestigious scholarship winners such as the President of Uzbekistan, Navoi, Beruni, Ulugh Beg, Zulfiya, and others from students and research interns.
  • Develop proposals for the staffing of professors, teaching staff, and support personnel, and organize the provision of departments and faculties with qualified personnel.
  • Prepare proposals for recruitment for vacant positions, prepare proposals for hiring interns, research assistants, and master's students, and guide the development and implementation of plans to improve the qualifications of professors and teaching staff.
  • Develop proposals for the efficient use of classrooms, improving technical equipment for auditoriums and laboratories.
  • Propose measures for disciplinary actions against employees who violate regulations and prepare suggestions for contract termination.
  • Develop proposals for the establishment of faculties and departments in collaboration with similar foreign higher educational institutions to improve the content of education and train specialists in line with international standards.
  • Prepare annual reports on the activities of faculties, departments, and units, analyze them, and evaluate the teaching and methodological activities of professors and teachers using modern methods.
  • Establish and maintain continuous collaboration with higher educational institutions in the educational-methodological field, ensure the active participation of professors and teachers in conferences and seminars, and work in cooperation with local authorities.
  • Carry out the process of determining the university's annual ranking, analyze it, and implement activities for improving the institution's performance.
  • Conduct regular internal accreditation of Samarkand State University as required, actively participate in preparing for and conducting external accreditation.