Dean of the preparatory center

Fayziyeva  Nigina  Kamalovna

  •  Reception days: Еvery working day (08:00 am; 05:00 pm)
  •  Phone number: +99891-554-77-62
  •  Email:


1994-2000 y. – The student of Samarkand State University

2000-2003 y. – The postgraduate student of Samarkand State University

1994-2007 y. – The secretary of the Training Centre of Samarkand State University

1997-2021 y. – The teacher of the Training Centre of Samarkand State University

2007-2021 y. – The methodist the Training Centre of Samarkand State University

2021  - till now – Dean of the Training Centre of Samarkand State University

The Preparatory Center of Samarkand State University was founded in 1971. According to the indication of the Ministry of Higher and secondary education of the Republic of Uzbekistan starting from 1993 in the base of preparatory center was organized 8 monthly preparatory center with the test which is based to “Contract”, that is provide with money itself and it is active in nowadays too.About Preparatory Center

According to the order of the rector of Samarkand State University which is № 229-ij on October 27th, 2005 this course was changed to preparatory center to University which preparation audiences to the test under university.

The preparatory center receive audiences by specialties that are physics, mathematics, mechanics, practical mathematics, information technologies (IT), economy, chemistry, biology, ecology, medicine, geography, Uzbek language and literature, journalism, history, juridical (law school), law and base of morality, social work, Russian language and literature, pedagogy and method of primary education, pedagogy and psychology, psychology and foreign languages (English, German, French).

Study is in the base of contract. Education form – is day. Period of study – 10 months. All laws and duties which noted for the students of Samarkand State University concern to audiences too. They use from noted lecture rooms, laboratories, libraries.

To the preparatory center are received pupils who studied at the secondary and higher school and also graduating students of academic lyceums and vocational college by the recommendation of administration.

Documents to the preparatory center are received from September 2 till 26 and examine on  September  27-30. Test interview will be by basic specialist blocks of common sciences. Studies is started from October  2 in preparatory center.

There is a Pedagogical Council where they discuss about hours of study, volume, level of training, listening to students and all news that belongs to test technology at the Preparatory Center.

There are social and natural groups in the Preparatory Center, where teaching is conducted in Uzbek and Russian languages. Study is 6 days a week and 6 hours a day at the center. Every two months students are tested. And the results are discussed at the Pedagogical Council. Tests are held in 4-5 times during the academic year accordance with the requirements of the STC (State Testing Center).  The training in the Preparatory Center is carried out on the basis of the program of specialties corresponding to the test blocks.

Nearly all the professors and teachers working at the Preparatory Center are experienced professionals who know the most comprehensive, general education program at the university.

The main task of the Preparatory Center is to raise the level of general education of the youth, to create the necessary conditions for young people in need of social protection in the University, to prepare high-profile and high-profile applicants for all the faculties of the University delivery.