Final state attestation graduates of the higher educational establishments is carried out according to the decree on “Final state attestation graduates of the higher educational establishments of the Republic of Uzbekistan” which is confirmed by the order № 160 on May 22, 2009 of the Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and registered by № 1963 on June 5, 2009 by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The aforementioned law defines the order of Final state attestation graduates of the higher educational establishments according to the standards of the State education of Higher Education and laws on “The National Programme of Personnel Training” and on “About Education” of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Final state attestation graduates of the higher educational establishments are carried out according to the schedule of the academic process for Baccalaureate and Magistracy specialties.

Final state attestation is carried out by the final state attestation committee which is organized on each academic course of the higher educational institutions.

Final state attestation has the following main functions:

Careful assessment of graduate’s knowledge, experience and levels of skills according to the standards of State education;

To designate graduates with the scientific level of Baccalaureate according to the results of the final state attestation;

To analyze the results of the Committee activities and on the basis of those results working out suggestion on improving the personnel training of higher educational establishment;

Committees of the Final State Attestation perform their duties by relying on other documents directed to perform the requirements of the Standards of State education designated in the essence of education and levels of preparedness of graduates on Baccalaureate and Magistracy specialties and the aforementioned law.