Head of the teaching and methodical department

 Muranov Shahriddin Abdullayevich

  •  Reception days: Tuesday, Thursday from 16-00 to 18-00
  •  Phone number: (0366) -2391849
  •  Email:  muranov-2017@mail.ru


Born on April 21, 1985 in Koshrabot district of Samarkand region.

2005-2009. - Student of Samarkand State University

2009-2011. - Graduate student of Samarkand State University

2009-2012. - Mathematics teacher at the Academic Lyceum at the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

2012–2017. - Assistant of the Department of "Mathematical Analysis" of Samarkand State University

2017-2020 - PhD student (PhD) of the Department of "Mathematical Analysis" of Samarkand State University

2020-2022 - Assistant of the Department of "Mathematical Analysis" of Samarkand State University.

2022 - Head of the Educational and Methodological Department of Samarkand State University.

 Department of Physical Education and Sports of Samarkand State University

The main tasks of the head of the teaching  and methodical departmentActing as Deputy Chair of the Academic-Methodological Council.

  • Organizing the activities of employees of the Main Department for Academic-Methodological Work, providing them with practical and methodological support in the performance of their duties, and ensuring proper control over the execution of these responsibilities.

  • Participating in the activities of the University Academic Council.

  • Preparing draft orders and decrees of the rector to implement the directives and instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation, as well as the decisions of the University Academic Council concerning academic activities at the university level.

  • Organizing the analysis of the provision of disciplines with educational-methodological literature and qualified specialists for various fields and specialties.

  • Preparing reports and information on academic issues for the University Academic Council and dean’s meetings.

  • Monitoring the implementation of rector orders, decrees, and instructions regarding academic-methodological work in faculties.

  • Developing a plan for organizing the academic process for the new academic year and coordinating the activities of faculties to ensure its implementation.

  • Reviewing and preparing annual academic work plans for educational programs for approval.

  • Determining and approving academic workload norms for faculty members based on the total teaching load and available staff positions at the university.

  • Controlling the distribution of departmental workload among teaching staff and preparing rector order drafts based on departmental meeting decisions.

  • Ensuring alignment between departmental workloads and staff positions; making proposals for assigning or reducing staff positions for departments.

  • Developing the university’s academic schedule based on faculty proposals and academic plans and preparing the corresponding rector order draft.

  • Organizing surveys to study students’ opinions about professors, teaching staff, and the academic process; consolidating and analyzing results across the university.

  • Ensuring the effective organization of YADA (current academic performance monitoring) tests and final qualification work defenses, as well as supervising these processes on behalf of the university administration.

  • Providing methodological support to deputy deans and support staff for organizing and supervising academic-methodological processes.

  • Organizing the preparation of methodological guidelines for faculties and departments regarding the organization and control of academic-methodological processes.

  • Proposing rewards or disciplinary measures for teaching and support staff who perform effectively or fail in their duties within their areas of responsibility.

  • Preparing requested information for the Ministry and other higher organizations based on instructions from the rector or vice-rector for academic affairs.

  • Analyzing and improving regulatory and working documents related to the academic process and consolidating faculty suggestions in this regard.

  • Taking measures to improve the qualifications and productivity of department employees and enhancing department operations.

  • Improving the department's website and ensuring the timely updating of relevant information.

  • Strengthening the department with experienced, creative, decisive, and fair staff members.

  • Consolidating annual reports on academic-methodological work from faculties.

  • Organizing control over the labor and academic discipline of department staff, professors, teachers, and students.

  • Reviewing and addressing academic-related requests, complaints, and applications.

  • Analyzing and resolving problematic situations or misunderstandings in academic activities following established procedures.

  • Organizing the analysis of the academic-methodological activities of deans’ offices and departments, monitoring the elimination of identified shortcomings, and providing them with methodological and practical assistance.