The Institute of Oriental and African Studies and the Student Scientific Society of the Institute of Oriental and African Studies of the St. Petersburg Campus of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" invite you to participate in the Third Scientific Conference of Students and Postgraduate Students "Current Problems of Asian and African Studies". Conference will be held on March 17-18, 2023 at the address: St. Petersburg, Nab. Griboedova Canal, 123, lit. A.
The format of the conference is mixed (face-to-face with videoconferencing). The conference languages are Russian and English.
Objectives of the event: discussion of current problems of Asian and African studies, dissemination of Oriental studies and attracting students to scientific research activities.
Those wishing to participate in the conference please send an application and abstracts of papers by January 15, 2023 (23:59) by e-mail The application and abstracts are sent in one letter in two files. Name of documents: "Surname. Application", "Name. Abstracts".