On May 14, 2021 Tomsk University organizes an open online discussion on Information Technologies in Biomedicine

On May 14, 2021 Tomsk University organizes an open online discussion on Information Technologies in Biomedicine. The interested people, such as professors and students are invited to this discussion on Zoom at 15:00-16:00 (Uzbekistan time).
From Tomsk University announcement:
“It is well known that current scientific problems need to be solved in terms of multiple disciplines. Especially, it is about problems related to human health. During this meeting you will find out in which way each of you might be involved in solving such things and, therefore, improving people’s lives.
You will know how you can boost your potential by earning a master’s degree in Physics Methods and Information Technologies in Biomedicine”.
The discussion on Zoom will be hosted by Doctor V. Demkin PhD Student M. Pleshkov, Master’s Student V. Zaitsev and others.
Date: May 14, 2021
Time: 15:00-16:00 (Uzbekistan time)
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/8709830799?pwd=OUNMSkk1dkg1S1FxTDFWME1zekh1UT09
Zoom password: 9nj19N