Extension of short-term fellowship application deadline

In accordance with paragraph 95 of the "State programme on the implementation of the new development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 in the 'Year of respect for the human frame and active mahalla' in 2022-2024" to be sent to leading foreign scientific centres and universities in the field of hydrogen energy asked for information about 20 young scientists and specialists for short-term scientific study placement from July 15 to July 31 of this year.
Please be advised that at present, given the insufficient number of candidates proposed, the deadline for the receipt of documents on recommended candidates for placement on internships has been extended until 26 August 2022 (information is available on the official website of the Ministry of Innovative Development: https://mininnovation.uz/oz/news/post-731).
At the same time, any other changes to the requirements and conditions of this competition will not be made.
For more information: Head of Department for organization of scientific internships and procurement of laboratory equipment S.Tahirov, tel.:(90) 989 24 05, e-mail: s.takhirov@minninovation.uz leading specialist of the centre S.Sultanov, tel.: (94) 420 68 70, e-mail: s.sultanov@mininnovation.uz