Rajamurodov Zayniddin Turobovich

More than 10 articles, index - 1
Professor of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology and Biochemistry
Research Field:
- Laboratory animals (experimental animals), Biochemical processes, Microbiological processes, Effects of nutrients, Biochemical indicators
Scientific research is being conducted to determine the effects of various probiotics, biologically active substances, and high-quality and low-quality algae used as feed in the diets of laboratory animals. The research focuses on the impact of these factors on metabolic processes in the animals' organisms, changes in biochemical indicators in the blood, and the effects on the animals' resistance and immunological indicators, with the aim of ensuring the normative progression of physiological, biochemical, microbiological, and immunological processes.
Main Scientific Publications:
- Rajamuradov Z. and others. The productivity, chemical composition, and nutritional value of pastures dominated by Artemisia diffusa and Cousinia resinosa in arid lands of southwestern Uzbekistan. Journal BIODIVERSITAS (Scopus), Volume 24, Number 7, July 2023, pp. 3916-3923. DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d240730.
- Rajamuradov Z. and others. Diversity of blood parameters of Oryctolagus cuniculus var. domestica L. reared in different ecological regions of Zarafshan Oasis, Uzbekistan // Biodiversitas (Scopus), Volume 25, Number 4, April 2024. DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d250414.
- Rajamuradov Z. and others. Influence of Additional Feeding of Succous Goats on Indices of Natural Resistance of the Organism of Goats, Milk Productivity, and on the Development of Goatlings. // Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section A – Zoology (Animal Science), 81-85, 2022. DOI: 10.5958/2320-3188.2022.00011.0.
- Rajamuradov Z. and others. Additional Feeding and Its Influence on the Change in the Metabolic Processes of the Body of Pregnant Queens // Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section A – Zoology (Animal Science), January-June 2022, Volume 41A, Number 1, pp. 74-80.
- Rajamuradov Z. and others. The Negative Effect of Heavy Metal Salts on the Body of Mammal Animals // Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 2022, 12, 704-711.
- Rajamuradov Z. and others. Influence of Additional Feeding of Sucrose Goat Females on Indicators of Natural Resistance of the Body and Productivity of Kids // Open Journal of Animal Sciences, Number 3, 2022, 12, pp. 506-514.
- Rajamuradov Z. and others. The Negative Effect of Heavy Metal Salts on the Body of Mammal Animals. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 2022, 12, 704-711. https://www.scirp.org/journal/ojas. ISSN Online: 2161-7627. pp. 704-711.
For more details: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=58520210600