70220301 - History

70220401 - Archaeology

70220402 - Ethnogenesis

70220601 - Ethnography, Ethnology

70230101 - Linguistics

70230103 - Folkloristics and Dialectology

70230104 - Literary Studies

70230201 - Comparative Linguistics, Translation Studies

70310301 - Psychology

70410100 - Economic Theory

70411001 - Human Resource Management

70420101 - Advocacy

70510101 - Biology (Master's 2024)

70520201 - Environmental Protection (Master's 2024)

70520202 - Ecology

70520204 - Pasture Ecology and Management (Master's 2024)

70530101 - Chemistry

70530201 - Geography

70530401 - Hydrology

70530501 - Physics

70530502 - Nuclear Physics and Technologies

70530503 - Electronics

70530508 - Photonics

70530601 - Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling

70530701 - Astronomy

70540101 - Mathematics

70540201 - Applied Mathematics (Master's 2024)

70610101 - Computer Systems and Software Engineering

70610103 - Information Systems

70610202 - Information Security

70610501 - Artificial Intelligence

70710201 - Biotechnology

70710701 - Electronics and Electronic Engineering

70710903 - Intelligent Engineering Systems

70711101 - Medical-Biological Devices, Systems, and Complexes

70712301 - Mechanical Engineering Technology

70810202 - Agrochemistry (2024)

70810403 - Organic Farming and Food Safety

70810501 - Plant Protection and Quarantine (2024)

70811001 - Fruit Growing (2024)

70811002 - Viticulture and Winemaking (2024)

70811003 - Vegetable Farming, Horticulture, and Potato Farming (2024)

70811101 - Medicinal Plant Cultivation and Processing (2024)

Software Engineering