Thesis Discussion

On June 04, 2021, at 15:00, the next scientific seminar on the specialty 01.02.05 - “Fluid and gas mechanics” under the Scientific council awarding scientific degrees DSc.03/30.12.2019.FM/Т.02.09 under Samarkand State University will held
1. Discussion of the thesis of the applicant Usmonov Azizbek Ismayilovich on the topic “Development and numerical analysis of anomalous solute transport models in fractured porous media” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, physical and mathematical sciences) in the specialty 01.02.05 - “Fluid and Gas Mechanics”.
2. Various issues.
Location: 20 auditorium of the Faculty of Digital Technologies
Zoom address:
Conference ID: 810 1294 8333
Access code: 123456