Scholarship competition for young scientists, master’s, doctoral students and researchers working in the field of mathematics

The International Center for Applied Mathematics (CIMPA, Nizza, France), a UNESCO Category 2 center, has announced the following grant scholarship competitions for young scientists working in the field of mathematics in developing countries, including master’s, doctoral students and postgraduate researchers:
- Online application for the grant scholarship competition "Post-quantum algebraic cryptography" (duration of study from September 6 to December 10, 2021) is available until March 29, 2021 at
- Online application for the grant scholarship competition "Formation of mathematical modeling in living matter" (duration of training from January 10 to April 1, 2022) is available through the link until July 1, 2021.
More information about the grants scholarship announced by the International Center for Applied Mathematics can be found at
The following sscholarship include 600 Euros for international air tickets, visas and accommodation on the Tashkent-Paris-Tashkent route, as well as daily expenses for 3 months.
Additional information can be taken from the International Cooperation Department. Tel: 66 239 1079,