The next meeting of the Scientific Seminar under the Scientific Council number PhD. on Samarkand State University will be at 10:00 and 13:00 on February 1, 2022.


1. Defense of the dissertation of Ruzikulova Nilufar Abdumazhidovna

on the topic «Faunistic composition and ecology of gastropods in urbanizedbanized landscapes » for the title of doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 03.00.06 – Zoology.  

2. Defense of the dissertation of Nurullayeva Nodira Sayfullayevna

on the topic «Morphobiology and prospects for the use of species of the genus Lycium L.» for the title of doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 03.00.05 – Botany.

3. Various issues.

Address: 140104, Samarkand city, University Blvd., 15, Department of Biology 2rd floor.