The Turkish government is announcing a grant program for 2022 for international students and researchers

The Turkish government has announced a grant program for 2022 for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral studies and research. The grant includes university placement, a 1-year Turkish language course, medical insurance, a one-time air ticket, a scholarship, tuition, cultural and academic programs, and accommodation.
The stipend is 800 Turkish lira (TL) per month for undergraduate students, 1,100 Turkish lira (TL) for master's students, 1,600 Turkish lira (TL) for doctoral students, 3,000 Turkish lira (TL) for researchers, for Turkish government officials and researchers. Communication Program (KATIP) ”2000 Turkish Lira (TL). Grants for researchers are limited to scholarships. The Turkish Communication Program (KATIP) grant includes a monthly stipend, accommodation, airfare, and cultural and social events.
You can register for the Turkish Grants Program at the following link:
For more information, please contact the International Cooperation Department of the University: Tel: +998 66 240-28-53,