Meeting of the Scientific Council PhD.03/30.12.2019.K.02.05

Defense of the dissertation of Ashirov Mansur Allanazarovich
The next meeting of the Scientific Council PhD.03/30.12.2019.K.02.05 awarding academic degrees at Samarkand State University will be held on February 21, 2022 at 10:00.
1. Defense of the dissertation of Ashirov Mansur Allanazarovich for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on chemical sciences on the title “Development of sorption-spectroscopic method for the determination of Pb (II) and Hg (II) ions using immobilized amido black and sulfarsazene organic reagents”.
2. Various issues
Address: Room 305, 15, University Boulevard, Department of Chemistry in Samarkand State University