Belgorod State National Research University is holding the contest on participation in the International Youth Forum of Student Scientific Societies (SSS) which will be held from 16.09.2022 till 18.09.2022.
The purpose of the event is the organization and holding communication platform for meetings of representatives of active young people of universities, leading the scientific, innovative and entrepreneurial activities in the framework of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science for the establishment and development of Student Scientific Societies.
Students, undergraduates, over 18 years old are invited to participate in the Forum. The Forum will be held in both full-time and remote (online) form. Registration is open until September 5th at the following link: .
Participation is free of charge. The host pays for accommodation and three meals a day at the Health Complex “Nezhegol”. Read more: .
Contact details of the organizing committee:, (4722) 30-13-00 * 21-10, (4722) 30-10-34
All questions related to the Forum can be asked here: