Udmurt State University holds the opening ceremony of the Russian-Uzbek Scientific, Educational and Cultural Center at UdSU on September 30, 2022 (beginning at 14:00 Tashkent time). You can join the event via online video conference or by following the link on Youtube channel.
The goal of the Center opening is to implement joint scientific, educational and cultural projects with Uzbek partners, to promote Russian and Uzbek languages and cultures, to help students from Uzbekistan studying at UdSU adapt.
The opening ceremony will include a musical webinar "International Music Day in the Motherland of P.I. Tchaikovsky" with the participation of UdSU students studying music and performing arts, the Tchaikovsky Estate Museum in Votkinsk, the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan and the Uzbek State Chamber Orchestra of Folk Instruments "Sogdiana".
The event is supported by the Russian House in Tashkent.
14:00-14:20 Opening of the Russian-Uzbek Scientific, Educational and Cultural Center UdSU.
Link to connect for online participation:
Conference ID:
757 815 8887, access code: 123
Broadcast on Youtube channel at:
14:20-15:00 Webinar "International Music Day in Tchaikovsky's homeland".
Link to connect for online participation:
Conference ID:
757 815 8887, access code: 123
Broadcast on Youtube channel at:
15:00-15:20 Joint online concert in pre-recording (includes presentation of folk instruments and musical numbers of the webinar participants from Russia and Uzbekistan).
Broadcast on Youtube channel at: