Studying programs:

    Physics; Chemistry; Chemical Engineering and Technology; Computer Science, Cybernetics; Forestry; Mathematics, Agriculture and Landscape, Food Science, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Veterinary Medicine, General Medicine, Health Sciences, Dentistry, Dental Medicine, Earth Resources Mining and Processing.

    Government scholarships of the Slovak Republic will include the following items in 2024/2025:

Monthly stipend 400 €

One-time scholarship at the beginning of studies in the Slovak Republic 100 €

One-time scholarship upon completion of studies in SR 200 €

Monthly scholarship for public university 80 €


proof of English language proficiency, a high school diploma, if attached to the application for language training for study in a first-level academic program or an academic program combining first and second levels, or study in such an academic program; otherwise, a university transcript is required.

Applications are accepted until May 30 of this year on the website:

Additional information:

For more information, please contact the university’s international cooperation department: irossu 1420@ gmail . com