Meeting of the scientific council DSc.03/30.12.2019.F.02.02

The next meeting of the Scientific Seminar under the Scientific Council number DSc.03/30.12.2019.F.02.02 on Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov will be at 10:00 and 14:00 on 23 november, 2024.
1.Defense of the dissertation of Samatov Khurshid Ulmasjonovich for the title of the Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy) in the specialty 09.00.03 –History of philosophy on the topic: “Sufi-philosophical foundations of dialogue with the people in the Naqshbandi tariqa”.
2. Defense of the dissertation of Urazmetov Mangubek Tursunboyevich for the title of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) on philosophical sciences in the specialty 09.00.03 – History of Philosophy on the topic: “Philosophical basics of sufistical views of Sulaymon Bokirgoniy”.
3. Various questions.
Address: Samarkand city, University boulevard 15, Faculty of History of Samarkand State University, 105-room.