Dissertation defense

The regular meeting of the One-time Scientific council authorized the Scientific council DSc.03/30.12.2019.Fil.02.03 issuing academic degrees at Sharof Rashidov Samarkand State University, will be held on January 04, 2024 at 13:00 аm.
1. On the defense of Mirzaeva Dilzodakhon Fayzulla qizi dissertation on the topic “Comparative-typological analysis of graphic asymmetry (based on the English and Uzbek languages)”, submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Philological Sciences in specialty 10.00.06 - Сomparative study of Literature, Contrastive Linguistics and Translation studies
2. Various issues.
Address: Samarkand city, University blv.15, Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, Main Campus, 1st floor, room 105.