The creation of the US Constitution is associated with the name of George Washington. The Story of Franklin Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States...
1. In 1787, the world's first US constitution was adopted. The creation of the Basic Law is associated with the name of George Washington.
2. The US Constitution consists of an introduction and 7 articles. Articles are also divided into sections.
3. The US Constitution begins with the words: "This Constitution was adopted to ensure peace and stability, justice and equality, and in order to legally guarantee the independence, rights and freedoms of the American people."
4. The US Constitution has been amended 27 times in recent years.
5. George Washington, the first President of the United States, took the oath for the first time in American history on April 30, 1787: “I will spare no effort to uphold, defend, and uphold the Constitution of the United States. "
6. Franklin Roosevelt, the thirty-second President of the United States, was elected President of the United States for four consecutive terms (1932-1936-1940-1944) and is the only head of state to rule such a great country as the United States for a long time ...
7. Franklin Roosevelt met people in 38 states during the 1932 election campaign. He announces a program called "New Direction", which will save the country from the economic crisis. Roosevelt, who won the election in a landslide, promised the American people: "I will get you out of this disaster with my new program."
8. First, Roosevelt calls a special session on history called "100 days." During the 99-day session, it is planned to carry out the necessary reforms for the country, and a number of laws will be adopted.
9. The main content of the "New Direction", put forward by Franklin Roosevelt, was the introduction of public administration in economic and social relations with the full preservation of private ownership of the means of production.
10. Franklin Roosevelt and his supporters paid close attention to the adoption of government programs to manage the country's economy in a new direction, a serious restructuring of labor legislation, the fight against unemployment, the fight against poverty, and the creation of a social insurance system.
11. President Roosevelt began his career by reforming the American banking system. Due to the crisis, all banks in the country were closed. The law "On emergency banking" will be adopted.
12. The Industrial Recovery Act, which came into force on June 16, 1933, was another important step in the New Direction. For each industry, a "Code of Fair Competition" will be developed, which will be implemented in the form of a state law.
13. At the initiative of President Roosevelt, a special committee on social issues will be created in the country. He will be responsible for building roads and repairing schools. As a result, 8 million Americans will be provided with new jobs.
14. On May 12, 1933, the law "On Assistance to Peasants" was adopted ...
15. The second term of the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt coincided with the difficult years of World War II. He played an important role in saving the peoples of the world from the scourge of fascism. That is why in 1940 the American people nominated Franklin Roosevelt for the presidency for the third time. By 1944, the American people had already made up their minds. Roosevelt was re-elected for a fourth term as President of the United States. At the time, the Republican Party strongly protested against the Democrats...
16. The name of Franklin Roosevelt as the greatest and most famous President of the United States is engraved on the pages of history ...
Prepared by Barchinay KHAMIDULLAYEVA.