Do you know the exhibit of Asiatic lions kept at Samarkand State University?

An exhibit of a pair (male and female) of Asiatic lions is kept in the Zoological Museum of Samarkand State University. Initially, these lived in the Moscow Zoo. These exhibits were made in 1935. It was kept at Moscow State University for the purpose of research. During World War II, he was taken to SamGU in 1942. Their length is 2-2.5 meters, and their height is about 1.5 meters, and their weight is about 200-250 kg. was. You can see Asiatic lions at the SamSU Zoological Museum. Currently, this exhibit is considered one of the most expensive and unique exhibits on earth.
For reference, Asiatic lions currently live in the jungles of India. They are listed in the international and Red Books. Currently there are about 600-700 of them. It differs from African lions in that it has less hair and a smaller body.
Bekhruz Shamsiddinov
Information Service Officer
Samarkand State University,
Photo by Shavkat Akramov.