According to the BBC, Samarkand State University is the leader in graduating 100 women laureates of the world...

The list of "100 most influential women in the world", which is traditionally held annually by the world famous national organization BBC, takes place in various fields, devotedly serving the cause of the development of society and women's rights. 100 women of the world to come.
So far, the name of Uzbekistan has been mentioned twice in this list. In 2017, the name of an Uzbek woman entered the list of 100 for the first time, and in 2018 it was recorded for the second time. It is noteworthy that both "secular women" from Uzbekistan are graduates of Samarkand State University...
The BBC 100 Women list has been compiled worldwide since 2013. The main goal is to popularize the activities of active women in science, education, health, art, literature, law, entrepreneurship and business in a total of 26 areas around the world in order to strengthen the role of women in society in the 21st century.
In 2012, a group of Air Force employees came up with the idea to organize this project after a campaign for women's rights in Delhi. Thus, in 2013, 100 influential women were selected in 26 regions. When the list was announced, the public warmly welcomed it.
In particular, the ideas and proposals put forward by the women on the list to explore and address the cultural and social issues that women face in their lives served as the basis for the creation of a unique system of protection for women around the world. After that, this project was traditionally held at the end of each year.
Mukhabbat Sharopova, the first Uzbek who managed to enter the top 100 in 2017, a mathematics teacher from Shakhrisabz, Hero of Uzbekistan, Honored Educator of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a graduate of the Mathematics Faculty of Samarkand State University. Muhabbat Sharopova ranked 33rd in the top 100 of 2017. Has been teaching for 50 years. Pupils of Mukhabbat Sharopova won 7 times in international and 22 times in republican Olympiads...
In 2018, the second mention of the name of Uzbekistan in this list was an important step in the emergence of Uzbek women on the world stage. Leyla Belialova, Associate Professor of Samarkand State University, Ph.D. in Biology, ranked 13th in the list of 100 and became the second winner from Central Asia among the most influential women in the world in 2018. Leyla Belialova, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Life Safety of the Faculty of Geology and Ecology of Samarkand State University, Senior Researcher at the Zeravshan State Reserve, coordinator of a number of international projects for the conservation of ornithological biodiversity of the Western Tien Shan Range. Member of the international programs "World Ecological Action", "Sprig aliva", "World Migration Day". In 2017, he received the Nature Hero's international award from the international environmental organization Birdlife International. In 2018, according to the BBS, she is one of the 100 most powerful women in the world. The research of the scientist on the conservation of mountain ecosystems of Uzbekistan and the protection of bird species, as well as his work as a member of the working group of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), does not leave the world community indifferent.
The list of 100 women who contribute to redefining society and the world is still ongoing. Although Uzbek women are not among the project laureates after 2018, we believe that women scientists from Samarkand State University will appear on this list in the future.
2017-yilda kuchli 100 talikka kirishga muvaffaq bo‘lgan ilk o‘zbek ayoli Shahrisabzlik matematika fani o‘qituvchisi, O‘zbekiston Qahramoni, O‘zbekiston Respublikasida xizmat ko‘rsatgan xalq ta’limi xodimi, Samarqand davlat universiteti matematika fakulteti bitiruvchisi Muhabbat Sharopova bo‘ldi. Muhabbat Sharopova 2017-yilning kuchli 100 taligida 33-o‘rin bilan qayd etildi. U 50 yildan beri pedagoglik faoliyati bilan shug‘ullanib keladi. Muhabbat Sharopovaning shogirdlari 7 marotaba xalqaro, 22 marta respublika olimpiadalari g‘olibi bo‘lgan...
2018-yilda mazkur ro‘yxatda O‘zbekiston nomining ikkinchi bor qayd etilishi, o‘zbek ayollarining dunyo miqyosiga chiqishida muhim qadam bo‘ldi. Samarqand davlat univeristeti dotsenti, biologiya fanlari nomzodi Leyla Belyalova 100 talik ro‘yxatning 13-o‘rnidan joy oldi va 2018-yilning dunyo nufuzli ayollari orasida Markaziy Osiyolik laureatlarning ikkinchisi bo‘ldi. Leylya Belyalova, Samarqand davlat universitieti geografiya-ekologiya fakulteti ekologiya va hayot faoliyati xavfsizligi kafedrasi dotsenti, Zarafshon davlat qo‘riqxonasi katta ilmiy xodimi, G‘arbiy Tyan-Shan tizmasining ornitologik bioxilma-xilligini saqlash bo‘yicha bir qator xalqaro loyihalar koordinatori. “Butunjahon ekologik aksiyasi”, “Sprig aliva”, “World Migratory Day” xalqaro dasturlari ishtirokchisi. 2017-yilda “Birdlife International” xalqaro tabiatni muhofaza qilish tashkiloti tomonidan “Nature Hero’s” (Tabiat qahramoni) xalqaro mukofoti sohibi. 2018 yilda BBS talqini bo‘yicha dunyoning eng nufuzli 100 ayollaridan biri. Olimaning O‘zbekistonning tog‘ ekotizimlarini saqlab qolish va qushlar turlarini himoya qilish bo‘yicha tadqiqotlari hamda Xalqaro tabiatni muhofaza qilish ittifoqi (IUCN) ishchi guruhi a’zosi sifatida olib borgan faoliyati jahon hamjamiyatini ham befarq qoldirmaydi.
Jamiyatni va shu orqali butun dunyoni qayta kashf etishda o‘z hissasini qo‘shib kelayotgan ayollar 100 taligini tuzish hali hanuzgacha davom etib keladi. Garchi loyihaning 2018-yildan keyingi yillardagi laureatlari orasida o‘zbekistonlik ayollar ko‘zga tashlanmasa ham, kelgusida Samarqand davlat universiteti xotin-qiz olimlari ushbu ro‘yxatda hali ko‘p bor bo‘y ko‘rsatishiga ishonamiz.
Iroda Bekmurodova
Samarkand State University
Information Service Officer.
The photographs were taken by Shavkat AKRAMOV.