Linguistic features of Azam Uktam's creativity

A student of the philological faculty of Samarkand State University, the owner of the state scholarship named after Navoi Mukhlisa Jalilova, is conducting a scientific study on the linguistic features of Azam Uktam's work.
“Poetry filled with human pain is contagious and touching,” says Mukhlisa Jalilova. - Because the human soul is cleansed not from laughter, but from pain and suffering. Poets and writers who have their own tone in Uzbek poetry are beads. Among them is one of the favorite poets of our people Azam Uktam, who has his own throne and place in the palace of Nazm. In the poet's poems there is both bitterness, and simplicity, and a special image of the poet. His next verses are especially touching.
Yoʻl aniq, qaytish yoʻq.
Men ketdim endi.
Kechgan narsam-jonni oʻylamam hecham.
Bitta maydon kerak-kurashgim keldi:
To'shakda yotgulik qilmasin o'lim!
Indeed, in this poem of the poet, entitled "Taraddud", we deeply feel the logic that is emphasized above, that morbidity that reigns in the psyche of the lyrical hero. The poetic world of the creator is difficult to imagine without his worldview. The reason is that the conjectures, the views of each creative person as a whole are closely connected with his poetic world. And this circumstance directly affects the work of a poet or writer. Such character traits of Azam Uktam as truthfulness, determination, ambition, Faith, humanity, were not reflected in his poems either.
Tog'lar some' bo'lib o'tirishar jim,
Takbir aytgan chog'i guldurab samo.
U yanglig' munojot qila olur kim,
Yomgʻir bu pichirlab qilingan duo.
Dua is one of the types of prayer. When a person becomes helpless in the face of life events, he cannot find support for himself, except for prayer. In his poem "Prayer" the poet compares the rain with a whispered prayer. With a simple natural phenomenon, the poet applies a beautiful analogy. The poet used words belonging to the same syllable in the poem, such as some’, takbir, munojot, duo, which gave the poem melodiousness and attractiveness. As you know, calling a person to be free from vices is the way to the human path. In a poem called "The Question", the lyrical hero directly asks people:
Talpinding, yigʻlading - yelding dunyoga,
Soʻylagil, sen nechun kelding dunyoga,
Buzildi, ayt, nima qilding dunyoga,
Oʻzingni kim deya bilding dunyoga?
It is known that in Islam the teaching that leads a person to spiritual and moral perfection is mysticism, Sufism. Our ancestors, who worked on the path of Sufism, often emphasized in their works the impermanence of this world, its fidelity to no one and its transience.
Azam Uktam, asking people questions about why they came to this world, what they did for the world, who they consider themselves to be and what place they occupy in the world, he is surprised at what people do. At the time of questioning, he himself even gives an answer to this:
Tilingni tiymaysan-besharm soʻylar,
Ko'zingni tiymaysan-buzuqka bo'ylar,
Oʻzingni tiymaysan-nelarni oʻylar,
Hech jazo yoʻqmikan bunday zinoga?
It is known that in the Koran this worldly life is described as a place of trials for people. That is, life in this world is a means to achieve happiness in the next life, it is impossible to achieve happiness without controlling the tongue, eyes and oneself. Unclean acts leading to fornication are inevitable in this world and in the next. The poet once again emphasized this with a rhetorical question and left no room for an answer.
The poet's poem "Qanoat" is dominated by an eternal and eternal theme - the theme of love. In general, in most of his poems, the poet calls people to enlightenment, goodness, aversion from evil, patience, endurance and tolerance.
Tanladim sal ogʻirroq yoʻlni,
Sal yengilroq jon berayin deb.
Olgʻa qarab yurganim sayin
Yil yiqilar yilning ustiga.
In this poem, he expressed philosophical thoughts that this world is transient, difficult and difficult, choosing an honest path, and can achieve happiness in this world, and expressed in beautiful lines that only good and worthy deeds remain from a person in life. this world. In addition, the poet has a unique poetic style, and there are a lot of allusions in his work. For example, comparing the stove to an old woman praying, to young men lining up rows of poplar trees, to women in a cornfield provided musicality, folklore, and fluency.
Tund yel esar, barglar sariq,
Yoz oʻtmayin kelmoqda kuz.
Oʻtdi qurmoq davri, endi
Qalbdin kibr qasrini buz.
He fruitfully used the art of talent in poetry. The verbs summer-autumn in the first Egypt and see-break in the second Egypt are a prime example of talent. Using this poetic art, the creator quickly and easily conveyed the thought that he wanted to convey to the listener.
Summing up, we can say that the poet in his poems managed to embody his “I” in his works, although he lived a little in this world. And through this he ensures the durability of both his own and his works. The poet is not dead, his word is alive, which means that the soul is alive. Azam Uktam will be sixty-two years old this year. He will also see a long life. As he said, "play and laugh" and even more, let there be a thousand!
Samarkand State University
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