Educational problems in the work of Abdulla Kadiri

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his address to Parliament on January 24, 2020, on in-depth study of the heritage of the Jadids: “In 2020, at difficult moments in the history of our people, the 145th annual birthday is widely celebrated. In general, it is necessary to deeply study the legacy of the Jadid movement and our enlightened grandfathers. The more we study this spiritual treasure, the more we will find correct answers to many questions that concern us today. “The more actively we promote this invaluable wealth, the more our people, especially our youth, will understand the value of today's peaceful and free life,” he said.
Indeed, delving into the content of the works of our ancestors, we see that, although these works have been published for more than one hundred and fifty years, the problems raised in them remain relevant today. The illiteracy of the nation, the solution of which was sought in the past, and the problems associated with women's education still overshadow the development of society. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, a complex and extremely unstable historical situation developed in Turkestan, which threatened the fate of the nation. The reasons for this are, firstly, that the Russian Empire destroyed Turkestan and pursued an extremely chauvinistic policy of Russification of the population, depriving the common people of their will, breaking their pride in order to strengthen their colonization there, and secondly, the spirit of resistance to worldly knowledge and development in Muslim fanaticism, on the other hand, our people have lost their spirituality, rights and, above all, their freedom. In the history of mankind, the trend towards the complete destruction of national pride, native language, literature, centuries-old traditions of the conquered people by colonial countries is considered a priority. Oppressed people gradually become accustomed to such views. In such a politically precarious position was a group of people's intelligentsia, the true sons of the nation, the movement of progressives. The faithful falcons of the people tried to wake up their homeland and take care of its future, although their wings were on fire. They united under the great name "jadid" and went a long and difficult path to spirituality, pride and freedom.
Educational problems in the work of Abdulla Kadiri
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his address to Parliament on January 24, 2020, on in-depth study of the heritage of the Jadids: “In 2020, at difficult moments in the history of our people, the 145th annual birthday is widely celebrated. In general, it is necessary to deeply study the legacy of the Jadid movement and our enlightened grandfathers. The more we study this spiritual treasure, the more we will find correct answers to many questions that concern us today. “The more actively we promote this invaluable wealth, the more our people, especially our youth, will understand the value of today's peaceful and free life,” he said.
Indeed, delving into the content of the works of our ancestors, we see that, although these works have been published for more than one hundred and fifty years, the problems raised in them remain relevant today. The illiteracy of the nation, the solution of which was sought in the past, and the problems associated with women's education still overshadow the development of society. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, a complex and extremely unstable historical situation developed in Turkestan, which threatened the fate of the nation. The reasons for this are, firstly, that the Russian Empire destroyed Turkestan and pursued an extremely chauvinistic policy of Russification of the population, depriving the common people of their will, breaking their pride in order to strengthen their colonization there, and secondly, the spirit of resistance to worldly knowledge and development in Muslim fanaticism, on the other hand, our people have lost their spirituality, rights and, above all, their freedom. In the history of mankind, the trend towards the complete destruction of national pride, native language, literature, centuries-old traditions of the conquered people by colonial countries is considered a priority. Oppressed people gradually become accustomed to such views. In such a politically precarious position was a group of people's intelligentsia, the true sons of the nation, the movement of progressives. The faithful falcons of the people tried to wake up their homeland and take care of its future, although their wings were on fire. They united under the great name "jadid" and went a long and difficult path to spirituality, pride and freedom.
"Divide et impera" "Divide and conquer" - that was the motto of the colonialists at all times.
The royal and Shur authorities were no exception in this sense. On the contrary, they, unlike other colonial countries, continuously sowed the seeds of discord among the people and continuously destroyed the people that constituted its mind, conscience, honor and future.
And Nabizhan Baki describes the tragedy of the modern era in this way: “During the time of Katli Om, our culture, art, literature, science were completely destroyed: prominent statesmen and public figures, indigenous children of the Uzbek people were killed, this was selected and sorted. The victims don't seem to care!... Who were they?... Who were they, do you know?... Abdullah Qadiri was just one of them."
If you pay attention to the above thoughts and opinions, then the nationalists, risking their lives and trying to lead their people out of this disgusting quagmire, were thrown into hell by any means, their hands were tied without touching the handcuffs of the enemy, The eternal tragedy of people who, at the cost of their lives, tried to protect their life and gave advice to their faith, this is when their enemies cut down their intelligentsia with their own hands. Whom did we trust?
In fact, under the khans and sovereign shuras, the people were in a completely backward and miserable position, the common people suffered in the palace of the accursed, and the descendants, who had not yet learned positions and property, continued to rise to the position of king, and the people were almost in that the majority of them are illiterate, that even the literate have deviated from the rule of the shura, that they do not stand on one side, that they hit their veins with an axe, that they rob themselves, that there is no limit to superiority - they sleep in a dream of carelessness We will witness sad times.
Through the image of Otabek in Days Gone, the longing and pain of people suddenly scratch our hearts. Throwing slanderous stones at Otabek, Kutidar and others, drowning in a quagmire of conspiracy, turning into an innocent culprit, and even sentenced to death, of course, at that time were ignorance, given the positions, tyranny and oppression in the country due to the superiority of fluency. The main goal of Abdullah Kadiri was to radically change this disgusting regime. The image of Uzbekim also has a special meaning in the work. Because of her pride and excessive arrogance, her revenge on luxury and wealth, she made her dear lover unhappy, and even brought not only Otabek, but also the well-being of his family to the brink, due to the inferiority of the woman of the nation, their lack of religious and worldly knowledge. Although more than a hundred years have passed, she is a woman who occupies a place in the family above her husband, refused rags, brought her child's life to the point that, in pursuit of her whims, she turned it upside down. who dreams of life as in a pamphlet. Is this not a slap in the face of modern mothers-in-law for Uzbeks ?!
Mahmudhoja Behbudi said: “I bequeath to you. Pat on the heads of the teachers who are working on the path of education! Raise discord from the middle! “Do not leave the children of Turkestan without knowledge” is a clear proof of the idea of modernity. They were the true teachers of the nation. They saved the nation from destruction and disaster, and with their enlightenment and enlightenment they became a bridge that led the people out of the spiritual abyss.
In a word, the character of Zebi in Cholpon's work "Night and Day", the characters of Mirzo Khamdamboy, Abdukadirboy, Mahmudkhan, Sora, Eshona, Zainab, Maryam in the work of Khamza Hakimzad Niazi "Poisonous life or victims of love", Fitrat "There is advocacy". Light?" Through various images in his work, it is reflected how important the enlightenment of people living in this society plays in the development of society in all aspects. In general, the main goal of the Jadids was the enlightenment of the people, especially women who educate the nation.
The Jadids not only ideologically spread the foundations of the aforementioned national ideology of returning the lost will, making the younger generation knowledgeable, blindly disobeying the existing system, but also penetrated into the hearts of people through their works and deeply occupied a place.
It is known that in the history of mankind the trend towards the destruction of national pride, the native language and literature of the people is considered a priority for the colonial countries. Because with the help of these tools you can change the worldview of people.
Summing up, we can say that the literature of the era of Jadidism saved the nation from darkness, vividly reflecting the problems of the time and the tragedy of the nation. The works created by representatives of the Jadidism movement have deeply penetrated into the hearts of our people. It is important that the problems reflected in the literature of this period remain relevant today, and the more we promote and study the literature of the New Age, the more useful it is in developing the consciousness of young people.
Mohigul Abruyeva,
Student of Samarkand State University,
The owner of the state scholarship named after Navoi.