How to protect winter wheat from harmful microorganisms?

Antagonism of lactic acid bacteria is due to the action of lactic acid produced by them. One of the characteristic features of these bacteria is their ability to produce substances with antibiotic activity, which provides a pronounced manifestation of antagonism to various microorganisms, including phytopathogenic ones. Currently, one of the promising areas of agricultural microbiology is the determination of a strain of lactobacilli with antifungal properties. These strains will become the basis of environmentally friendly biological products used to protect plants and stimulate their physiological processes.
The method of MRS agar blocks was used to determine the antifungal properties of the biological product "Imbiocon" in relation to phytopathogenic microorganisms and antagonistic properties in relation to pathogenic microorganisms. MRS liquid (de Man Ragosa Sharpe) is a favorable nutrient medium for the growth of lactobacilli. Czapek's nutrient medium was prepared for the growth of phytopathogenic fungi. The results were considered by measuring the diameter of the zones formed in relation to phytopathogenic fungi on the 10th day of sowing cultures of lactobacilli in a biological product at 27°C.
The composition of the drug includes 12 different cultures of lactic acid bacteria. Representatives of 4 genera were used as phatopathogenic fungi: Verticillium dahli, Aspergillus orizae, Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium semefectum. As a result of the study, by measuring the diameters of the zones formed by the Lactobacillus strains contained in Imbiocon, it was found that bacterial cultures are relatively resistant to phytopathogenic fungi.
Khusen Asrorov,
Master of Samarkand State University.