Climate change and threats

As you know, the attitude of mankind to the climate has been recognized for centuries. After all, only this concern for mother nature can have an impact on the entire headdress, and on the shape of our planet.
In the modern information age, climate complications are manifested in all aspects of human economic activity, from agriculture to energy, traffic, the use of modern nano-technologies and other aspects, as well as activities in the field of human health.
In addition, the emergence of such threats as floods, hurricanes, forest fires, intensification of desertification processes, earthquakes on the example of continents and large countries, really makes the world Afghan masses think seriously.
For example, floods in India, heat waves, landslides in states adjacent to the seas of the oceans, or earthquakes in Turkey and European states, loss of life as a result of abnormal climate changes this year in Spain or France and other changes, all this can be called a “gift "hello" of mankind to climate complications.
At the “World Economists Forum” held almost 10 years ago, the problems associated with climate change, interruptions in providing humanity with material goods in sufficient quantities and uninterrupted supply of clean drinking water, as well as the emergence of a shortage of energy resources and especially food in agriculture, from a global point of view are among the most important risks. It's no secret that he has taken a place on the list.
It is no coincidence that such degradation of our planet, occurring in line with these patterns, can lead to global problems: a decrease in soil fertility, deterioration of their properties, increased salinization and erosion processes, degradation of irrigated and cultivated lands, etc.
Without a doubt, all this poses a threat to the health and well-being of mankind, as well as its livelihoods. Naturally, this situation further increases the weight of the threats associated with climate change. Surveys conducted by the world's leading companies show that 64% of people consider climate change to be a very serious problem. Especially clearly anomalous fluctuations in air temperature are observed in the Arctic latitudes, Canada, Russia, Norway and in many European countries.
For example, if we consider that at least 350,000 people die annually on Earth as a result of threats associated with climate warming, then by 2030 it is predicted that this figure will be about half a million, and so on. However, it is worth noting that climatic changes in nature are happening now or are not an instantaneous phenomenon, and perhaps the unbridled and incredible consequences of this process are still ahead of us.
In this regard, it should be especially noted that a large and significant work is being carried out in our country to prevent possible incidents and develop specific measures. In this sense, it certainly deserves attention that the initiatives of the President of our country set the main goal - a sharp reduction in poverty, comprehensive protection of the health of the population, as well as a further increase in the stock of material goods and bringing their quality to the required level.
Thus, regardless of the above, it is a requirement of the time during which we live and function that humanity use all its forces, knowledge and thinking to take action against it globally.
Ergash Kobilov, Khidirali BOTIROV
Professors of the Department of Ecology and Life of SamSU…