Interview with Rohila Rozhmonova, director of the Turkology Institute of Samarkand State University, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor

    - It is expected to be admitted to the Institute of Turkology of Samarkand State University for the undergraduate and graduate stages from the next academic year...

    -According to the concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030, Samarkand State University was awarded the status of "Flagship University". This status set the task of turning this higher educational institution into a research university, and establishing research institutes and centers that conduct research on the country's economy, domestic and foreign policy, and its global and regional interests.

    According to the initiative of the administration of Samarkand State University and the recommendation of the Embassy of Turkey in Tashkent, the Research Institute of Turkology was established at Samarkand State University in cooperation with the Turkology Research Institutes of Istanbul and Marmara Universities of the Republic of Turkey.

    In this institute, the socio-political, cultural and scientific relations with the countries belonging to the organization of Turkic states, the common socio-historical, cultural, literary and linguistic features of the Turkish civilization, research and research on the preservation of the disappearing Turkish language and dialects are carried out. will go In this regard, mature specialists are trained in cooperation with Turkish universities. From the new academic year, it is planned to further expand the activities of this institute, to establish a number of departments, as well as a language laboratory, and a number of studies on the language and literature of the Turkic peoples, including foreign languages and literature: it is planned to accept students for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in Turkish language.

    - To what extent is the activity of language courses for teaching the Turkish language established at the Institute of Turkology?

    - Currently, the "Turkish language center" has been established under the institute, and preparatory courses for those who want to learn the Turkish language have started their activities on the basis of a contract. Center A1, A2; B1, B2; It provides quality education to students to prepare for C1, C2 levels. In this course, experienced teachers recruited from prestigious universities of the Republic of Turkey conduct the lessons.

    - If you talk about the current activity of the institute.

    - Today, a number of researches and new projects on Turkish languages, Turkish literature and cultures are planned to be carried out at the Institute of Turkology. Since the institute is still new, the tasks and goals set ahead are still in the planning stage. In the next part of our activity, we are working tirelessly to implement these tasks step by step. In particular, it is planned to carry out new projects in cooperation with Turkish universities and research institutes in the field of conducting research on Turkish languages and dialects, researching the history of linguistic and literary relations, increasing the quality and quantity of works translated from the languages of sister nations, and comparative analysis. Each of the current goals is aimed at the implementation of scientific analyzes aimed at revealing the centuries-old customs, traditions and cultural values of the Turkic peoples, and conveying the results to the world of science and the public through various publications and events.

    Also, in the future, it is planned to organize scientific and practical conferences, international conferences in cooperation with not only Turkish universities, but also other nations of the Turkic world. As a first step, the international symposium "Sultan Yildirim Bayazid and Amir Temur" held recently can be cited as an example.

    - What were the final results of the international symposium "Sultan Yildirim Bayazid and Amir Temur"?

    - We finished the events of the international symposium "Sultan Yildirim Boyazid and Amir Temur" held in Samarkand. During the four-day events and meetings, we agreed with visiting scientists from Turkey, representatives of history, language and literature, culture, art, religion and theology. We showed them examples of the history, ancient culture and art of Samarkand, and we reached a number of agreements to ensure the priority of further relations. At the meetings of the symposium branches organized at the Institute of Turkology of the Samarkand State University, a number of proposals were put forward on the harmony of language and culture in the Uzbek-Turkish relations, on giving a stable tone to the historical relations in the future. In general, more than 40 historians, Islamic scholars, philosophers and philologist professors and teachers participated in the symposium and shared the results of their research on a number of issues related to science, culture, and economy related to the era of Amir Temur and Sultan Yildirim Bayazid.

    I believe that this conference was a unique example of the first step towards the establishment of an interconnected academic network among those who conduct research on the Turkic world in our country and in Turkic countries.

Iroda Bekmurodova spoke.

Samarkand State University

Information service.

Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.