Samarkand State University hosted an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the memory of the literary critic Gafurjon Mahmudov on the topic "Respect for the teacher and editor."

      The conference was attended by the society of the scientific and literary environment of Samarkand, professors and teachers of SamSU, members of the family of Gafurjon Makhmudov.

      The conference was opened by the rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan Rustam Khalmuradov. After that, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Tajikistan to Uzbekistan Abdujabbor Rahmonzoda took part in the ZOOM platform and wished the conference to develop.

      - An in-depth study of the life, creativity, scientific and literary heritage of famous artists, representatives of science, occupying a special position in our past and modern life with their scientific and literary heritage, wide pages of exemplary life of A. A lot of work is being done to inform the population, propaganda and popularization among the younger generation, and thus educating young people in the spirit of virtue, - says the rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan Rustam Kholmurodov, - in this regard, as our President noted, it is a fact that the introduction into the minds of young people of the invaluable heritage of our great scientists and writers, our dear saints, the courage of our invincible commanders and leaders will strengthen their feelings. national pride and pride. Gafurjon Mahmudov is a literary critic, publicist and editor, graduated from Samarkand State University. We can say that the university played a big role in his development and activities as a philologist. Gafurjon Makhmudov conducted scientific research on Uzbek-Tajik literary ties in modern literature, educational ideas in the literature of the two peoples. It should be noted that a broad study of the scientific heritage of Gafurjon Makhmudov, an active propagandist of spirituality and education, who made a great contribution to the development of the Samarkand philological school, the friendship of peoples and the improvement of literary ties, the promotion of the essence of the scientific views set forth in his works, is an important task facing us today.

      During the conference, professors and teachers of Samarkand State University delivered lectures on the scientific, pedagogical and journalistic activities of Gafurjon Makhmudov.

      Also at the conference with a speech dedicated to the memory of Gafurjon Makhmudov, akim of the Jomboy region Kayum Sobirov took part. After that, Gayum Sobirov presented the Samarkand State University with the book "Jomboy: Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow".

      This conference was an important expression of perpetuating the memory of the literary critic Gafurjon Mahmudov, passing on the scientific heritage of the scientist to the younger generation, honoring the memory of the teacher.

Samarkand State University

Information service.

The photographs were taken by Shavkat Akramov.