I have been working in the field of education for over fifty years. I deeply know the problems of education. I think a lot about removing them.

      The places of dissemination of education are preschool educational institutions, schools, institutes and universities. Unfortunately, today, due to the lack of schools, our children are forced to study in the 2nd shift. First of all, this leads to a decrease in the quality of education, causing a lot of inconvenience to children and their parents.

     As a result of the reforms initiated in the field of higher education by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in 2016, not only the admission quota was increased. Evening and correspondence courses are also open.

     In the last short time, the Kattakurgan and Urgut branches of Samarkand State University, as well as the institutes of engineering physics, agrobiotechnologies and food security, have started their work. The number of students reached almost 30,000.

     But the state of our material and technical base was the same as in 2016, when six thousand students studied. Although three student dormitories and about ten academic buildings have been built over the past period, this is not enough.

      High-quality education is based, first of all, on a high-quality material and technical base, educational complexes. The first requirement of education must be a teacher and an audience.

    Today we need to build educational buildings. True, in this regard, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules and requirements of urban planning activities. Someone likes construction work, someone doesn't like it, and someone gets in the way. Whatever happens, I believe that our people should be united in the construction of educational institutions.

  When did our country develop?

     The facts of history show that the rise of science also increased the economic power of the state. Cities were built, waterworks were built, and there was more than enough. The standard of living of the people has improved. The most beautiful, the most beautiful, the most blessed buildings were educational institutions - madrasahs.

      Today, in a sense, we have departed from these principles.

      Check history. When did the nation go into decline? Our people were doomed to slavery at a time when attention to knowledge decreased, and scientists and virtues were trampled. As a result of ignorance, we not only lagged behind in development, but also lost our national statehood and freedom.

      I was surprised to see opposition on social media to the planned construction of academic buildings at Samarkand State University.

    Firstly, we should not forget that the places where SamSU educational buildings are planned are actually the historical territory of the university. At that time, these lands were given to teachers from abroad to build houses.

     Secondly, since ancient times there has been no opposition to the construction of a madrasah or a mosque. For such purposes, people offered their land, even their yards. A building will be built to educate the children of the people.

     Thirdly, Samarkand State University was founded on today's University Boulevard and operates to this day. I believe that the prestige and interest of University Avenue are due to the existence of SamSU.

     Fourthly, why is the famous Ulugbek madrasah located in the very center of the city? The Tillakori and Sherdor complexes ended up there precisely due to the presence of the Ulugbek madrasah. So our ancestors built madrasas in the center of the city, not wedding halls, kitchens or administrative offices. The city center, in turn, was considered the center of science.

     Fifthly, we should not forget about honor and reward. Every brick built into education will serve our people for several decades. One of the most worthy deeds. I don't think it's good to impose various slander is a noble deed.

     Sixth, I believe that our government, the khokimiyat of the Samarkand region will pay special attention and care to our compatriots whose property has been damaged.

     I once again call on the people of Samarkand to unite. Let's not indulge in emotions and excessive behavior. Tomorrow our children will study and work at the planned construction site. I believe that these educational institutions will benefit our people.


Muslihiddin Mukhiddinov,

Honored Mentor of the Youth of Uzbekistan,

Professor, holder of the Order "El-Yurt Hurmati".