"Quantum Center" of Samarkand State University is the only one in Central Asia...

The Institute of Engineering Physics of Samarkand State University has launched an international seminar on the topic "Quantum nanostructured materials and quantum technologies". The scientific conference, held in Uzbek, Russian and English, is attended by more than 20 scientists from countries such as the United States, Russia and Kazakhstan.
Rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Khalmuradov opened the event with an introductory speech and wished success to the participants of the seminar.
The international seminar is chaired by Deputy Director of the Institute of Nanotechnology at the University of Texas at Dallas, Head of the Laboratory of Hybrid Nanophotonics and Optoelectronics at ITMO University, Professor Anvar Zakhidov.
- The main goal of the seminar is devoted to quantum technologies and their application, popularization of the activities of the "Quantum Center", opened at the Institute of Engineering Physics of Samarkand State University and the involvement of foreign scientists. At today's seminar, scientists from international centers conducting research similar to scientific research taking place at the center are conducting master classes, says Eshkuvvat Arzikulov, professor at the Department of Engineering Physics at SamSU. - One of the main tasks of the "Quantum Center" is the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy and the synthesis of materials for quantum qubits based on peroxides. These materials are currently being investigated in many laboratories around the world. If the activities of this center improve, a significant shift will be observed in the science of our country. Also, this center is integrated into science and technology, where students and researchers conduct their scientific work. It is worth noting that SamSU's "Quantum Center" is the only one in Central Asia, and most influential scientists can come to Samarkand, conduct research using the scientific laboratories of the center and make their discoveries...
“I am participating in today's seminar with my lecture “Synthesis of the same type of perovskite monostructures for detectors and sensors,” says Kamilla Konstantinova, researcher at NUST MISiS in Moscow. - The creation of the Quantum Center is very important today. Getting acquainted with the activities of Samarkand State University, I was sure that this center was correctly created at SamSU. The reason is that your university has a great atmosphere. All possibilities for conducting scientific research are sufficient, there is a rich material and technical base. In particular, more attention is paid to the exact and natural sciences. The scientific potential of professors and teachers is very high, and cooperation with world-famous scientists will contribute to the faster development of this area...
The international seminar continues its activities...
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