Seminar: "International standards for working with scientific databases and preparing scientific articles"...

Sharof Khudoiberdiev, Senior Research Fellow (PhD) at the University of Marburg in Germany, held a seminar for professors, researchers and masters of Samarkand State University.
Sharof Khudoiberdiev, Senior Research Fellow (PhD), University of Marburg, Germany:
- Samarkand State University is my alma mater. In 2003 I graduated with a bachelor's degree and in 2005 a master's degree. I reached my current level thanks to the knowledge I got here. Today I got acquainted with the activities of the faculty, it has completely changed. I was very pleased with the construction of new buildings, the availability of modern and expensive laboratories. I got to know the scientific community at the University of Marburg, Germany, where I currently work. Research that should be carried out in Marburg can also be carried out at SamSU. This is a great opportunity for professors, researchers, undergraduates and students. During my studies there were no such conditions. Our cooperation with SamSU will continue...
- Today's seminar was interesting, - says Sardor Narzullaev, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Biology of SamSU. - We follow the scientific activities of Sharaf Khudoiberdiev, he conducts online lectures and presentations with our students. He is a scientific advisor and supervisor to a number of our undergraduates and researchers. At the seminar, we received useful information on working with scientific databases and preparing scientific articles, using sources, and obtaining international grants. Especially foreign experience is very interesting for us. I think this is the beginning of such dialogues. We thank Sharaf Khudoiberdiev for such an interesting seminar.
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Samarkand State University,
Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov