Rustam Khalmuradov, Rector of Samarkand State University: Meetings with young people are our main goal...

Today, among the students of Samarkand State University are winners of State Prizes, winners of world, Asian and republican Olympiads, international scientific Olympiads and competitions, holders of presidential and state scholarships, hundreds of talented young people who have published scientific articles and works of art.
Rector of Samarkand State University, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan Rustam Khalmuradov holds annual dialogues with young people on issues of education and science.
Talented youth are the hope of the country, the support of the nation. At SamSU, her support and encouragement are bearing fruit. As a result of the work done, the number of talented people increases every year.
On December 21, 2023, the traditional meeting “Rector and Youth” took place.
As part of the event, talented and gifted university students who took part in international Olympiads, competitions and sports competitions in 2023 were awarded cash prizes and valuable gifts.
Members of the university team who took first place at the II International Mathematics Olympiad were awarded a diploma and a laptop.
Students who became laureates of the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and State Scholarships named after Navoi, Ulugbek, Islam Karimov in the 2022-2023 academic year were awarded diplomas and thermopots. And the winners of the “My Start-UP Project” competition were awarded diplomas, cash prizes and thermopots.
Award certificates were awarded to students who took prizes in nominations at the university stage of the “Student of the Year” competition, held among students of higher educational institutions.
The winners of the university stage of the Student League sports competitions in football, volleyball, table tennis and chess were awarded diplomas and memorable gifts.
At the end of the meeting, Rustam Khalmuradov said: “Meetings with young people are our main goal, our main task...”.