Happy birthday!

Professor of Samarkand State University,
Doctor of Philology, corresponding member of the Turkish Linguistic Society,
famous Turkologist J.D. Eltazarov!
Dear Juliboy Danaboevich!
Happy birthday to you. I wish you long life and good health. You are considered a true lover of your native language, a dedicated promoter, and a dear mentor to many students.
You have a worthy place in the opening of the Research Institute of Turkic Studies at Samarkand State University.
You are the successor and leading representative of the school of Uzbek linguistics, which was developed and is being developed by your teacher Rakhmatulla Kungurov, a scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, professor and teacher at Samarkand State University. This school is recognized by the scientific community of our republic.
I would also like to acknowledge your dedicated services in establishing and developing cooperation between Samarkand State University and Turkish higher education institutions.
You are considered one of the famous scientists not only in our country, but also in the Turkic world. Your incomparable services in promoting our Uzbek language throughout the world deserve high praise.
You have made a worthy contribution to increasing the international importance of the Uzbek language by teaching in our native language in higher education institutions in countries such as Turkey, South Korea, Germany, and Japan.
About 20 monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, and more than 200 scientific articles are devoted to topical issues of Turkology.
The staff of Samarkand State University is proud of you.
Rustam Khalmuradov,
rector of Samarkand State University,
scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.