The auditorium of the Institute of Biochemistry of Samarkand State University was named after Professor Nazir Amirkhanov...

Professor Nazir Amirkhanov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, was born in 1933 in the Khujand region. In 1950-1955 he studied at the Faculty of Biology of Samarkand State University. After graduating from the university in 1955, he worked at the department as an assistant, associate professor, and professor.
He devoted more than forty years of his life to teaching the younger generation at SamSU.
In 1962, the scientist defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Biology of tar-kochi and its culturalization in the Samarkand region” at the St. Petersburg Institute of Botany of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
In 1974 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Issues of taxonomy, biology, introduction, and chemical composition of resins in Uzbekistan.”
In 1978, for his great contribution to the development of biological science, he was awarded the title of professor.
In 1980, Professor Nazir Amirkhanov created the “Laboratory of Plant Acclimatization” at the Department of Botany. Strengthening the base of nutritious feed in livestock farming and combating crop pests have created many effective recommendations for the national economy to increase the productivity of agricultural crops.
In 1996, the scientist was elected a full member of the New York Academy of Sciences.
The scientist has published more than two hundred scientific, popular science articles, 6 monographs, textbooks and brochures.
Under the leadership of Nazir Amirkhanov, 6 Ph.D. theses were defended. Students - N. Dzhanonov, Sh. Khamrokulov, Kh. Mukimov, Kh. Keldiyorov, Z. Umurzokova, B. Islamov continue his activities...
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