The first books by graduates of Samarkand State University have been published...

There was a presentation of 25 titles of the first books of 25 young writers, published as part of the “My First Book” project, launched at the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan to support young talents.
It should be noted that among these artists there are graduates of Samarkand State University Shakhrizod Shodiev and Iroda Bekmurodova. Among the books published as part of the project are the poetry collection “Salom” by Shakhrizoda Shodiev and the story “Shula” by Iroda Bekmurodova.
The festive event was opened by Sirojiddin Sayid, Chairman of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan. After this, the head of the youth policy department of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Kakhramon Kuronboev, spoke, who congratulated the authors on their first books and wished them creative flights.
The presentation was attended by the People's Poet of Uzbekistan Khurshid Davron, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Kozokboy Yoldoshev, Deputy Chairman of the Writers' Union Botir Ergashev and a number of representatives of literature.
“As part of the project “My First Book,” my poetry collection “Salom” was published,” says Shahrizod Shodiev. - It includes more than 70 of my poems. The preface to my book was written by the poetess Zulfiya Muminova. The presentation was held at a very high level. I will not be wrong if I say that the strength we get from the trust and recognition of our master poets and writers will help us take a creative step boldly. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my teachers.
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