Happy birthday!

To the Head of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Doctor of Law, Professor K.K. Rashidov!
Dear Komil Kayumovich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you success in your responsible and honorable work.
The staff of Samarkand State University knows and appreciates you well as a famous diplomat and legal scholar. SamSU is rightfully proud that you are a graduate of our beloved university.
Sixty years is the beginning of the stage of wisdom. This is a period of transferring the accumulated vast life experience to children, students, and youth.
You are a unique expert who combines diplomacy and science and has accumulated sufficient experience in both areas. In this regard, I believe that you will be an example and imitation for young lawyers of SamSU.
I wish you long life, good health, family happiness and peace of mind.
Rustam Khalmuradov, rector of Samarkand State University,
scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, deputy of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.