Do you know about the centuries-old trees growing on the territory of Samarkand State University?

Among them there are trees that live up to 4000 years...
Ginkgo biloba
Homeland: China, Japan. Ginkgo is a dioecious, relict large tree. Height 40, body diameter 3.0-4.5 meters, lives up to 1000 years. It was planted in Samarkand in 1873. Now there are 2 century-old trees growing: one in the courtyard of the biochemical campus of Samarkand State University, and the other in the courtyard of the city khokimyat of Samarkand. These trees produce seeds every year and their seeds germinate well. Cultivated varieties were created in China and Japan; they are used as a fruit tree; the leaves have medicinal properties. Tolerates cold temperatures of 20-25°C.
Taxodium distychum
Homeland: North America, Mexico. This is a relict tree with a height of 40 meters and a body circumference of up to 3 meters. It grows in swamps, along the banks of rivers and lakes, and forms aerial roots above the ground. It was planted in Samarkand in 1874. Currently, 5 trees grow in the lake zone of the city’s Central Park of Culture and Recreation. Resistant to cold, virtually undamaged even at -25°C. A 34-year-old tree grows in the courtyard of the campus of the Institute of Biochemistry of Samarkand State University. Finally, it is fertile, producing domes every year. It can be propagated by seeds.
Sequajadendron giganteum
Homeland: North America, California. Sequoiadendron 130-135 meters high, 16-20 meters in circumference, large evergreen relict tree. Lives up to 4000 years. It was planted in Samarkand in 1872. Now in the courtyard of the Institute of Biochemistry of Samarkand State University there is a single hundred-year-old tree growing; it is 7-8 meters high and does not produce seeds. In the courtyard of the city landscaping office and at the intersection of Mirzo Ulugbek streets there are 2 25-27 year old trees. The growth condition is very good.
Cedrus Libani
Homeland: Asia Minor - a region along the Mediterranean Sea. The tree is 40 high, with a body circumference of 10-11 meters, a wonderful ornamental tree that lives up to 3000 years. It was planted in Samarkand in 1874. Currently, the only hundred-year-old bush preserved in the city is 18-20 meters high and has a body circumference of 3 meters, growing in the courtyard of the main building of Samarkand State University. It produces a harvest every year and the seeds germinate well. A 25-27-year-old bush 9-10 meters high is also grown on the territory of the Institute of Biochemistry. - withstands temperatures below 20° - 25°C.
Tilia sordata
Homeland: Central and Western Europe. Height 22, body thickness 1 meter. Beautiful tree. It was brought to our city and planted in 1875-1878. Several century-old bushes grow on the streets of Amir Temur, Mahmud Kashgari, in the courtyard of the main building of Samarkand State University, in the city park. Gives a good harvest every year. Propagated by seeds.
Fraxinus pensylvanisa
Homeland: Europe. A large decorative tree brought to Samarkand in 1875-1880. Currently, there are 5 bushes growing on the campus of the Institute of Biochemistry of Samarkand State University, and more than 10 bushes with a height of 20-22 meters are growing in the courtyards of Mirzo Ulugbek, Alisher Navoi, and Babur streets. Propagates well by seeds. Very prolific.
Quersus robur.
Homeland: Eastern Europe. This is an ornamental tree with a height of 20-25 m, a body circumference of up to 3 meters and valuable wood that lives for 300-400 years. It was planted in Samarkand in 1874. Now there are dozens of centuries-old trees growing in the city. They were kept in the courtyards of the main building of Samarkand State University, on the streets of Abdurakhman Jami, Uzbekistan, Ibn-Khaldun, Alisher Navoi. General condition is very good. Produces seeds annually.
Pinus pallatsiana
Homeland: Crimean Peninsula. Height 35 meters, circumference 2-3 meters, coniferous tree with a beautiful view and expensive wood. It was planted in Samarkand in 1872 and is very well adapted to the conditions of Uzbekistan. There are many centuries-old bushes in the city and on the territory of the Amonkoton forestry. They can be seen growing on the streets of Beruni, Amir Temur, Mustakillik of our city, in the Central Park of the city, in the courtyard of the main building of Samarkand State University. Most of them are shaped like an umbrella. It produces a harvest every year and reproduces well by seeds.
Ulugbek Ochilov, doctoral student at the
Department of Botany
Samarkand State University.