A research center “Human Resource Management and Saemaul Teaching” was opened at Samarkand State University...

History. June 8, 2023... A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the rector of Samarkand State University, a scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Halmuradov and the president of Yeungnam University of South Korea Choi Oe-Shol. According to this document, it was decided to create a Research Center at SamSU.
Today. February 23, 2024... 8 months have passed. At Samarkand State University, the research center “Human Resource Management and Saemaul Training” was inaugurated through the ZOOM platform.
Rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, deputy of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Halmuradov, vice-rector for international cooperation Akmal Akhatov, director of the Institute of Human Resource Management and Neighborhood Development Shokhrukh Jurakulov and a number of scientists took part in the conference.
On behalf of South Korea, the President of Yeungnam University Choi Oe-Chol, Executive Vice President for International Education HU Chang Deog, Director of the Institute of International Development Relations Professor Lee Joo Hyun, Executive Vice President for Innovation Management Han Dong Geun, and university faculty took part.
The main goal of opening the center is to develop new interdisciplinary educational programs on human resource management and mahalla development, participation in republican and international grants on human resource management and mahalla development, training and advanced training of specialists working in the field of mahalla management through creative (creative) application Saemaul training programs conducted by Yeungnam University.
During the dialogue, representatives put forward their ideas and proposals for improving the activities of the center, and the main tasks were identified.
It is planned to improve educational programs in the direction of “Human Resource Management and Mahalla Development” based on the experience of Yeungnam University, to open the Uzbek-Korean Joint Institute “Human Resource Management and Mahalla Development”, and to train master’s programs in human resource management and doctoral studies.
In this center, it was decided to conduct a study on the topic “Effective human resource management and public work”, open advanced training courses, and also conduct research jointly within the framework of an international grant on the topic “Improving the methodological basis for using the Saemaul Undong doctrine in the development of mahallas.”
Han Dong-geun, Yeungnam University's executive vice president for innovation management, gave the first lecture at the Saemaul Research Center for Human Resource Management and Training.
During the ceremony, the Center's Charter was signed.
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Samarkand State University.