The spectral properties of amino acids are studied at Samarkand State University...

Utkir Kholikulov, a lecturer at the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy at Samarkand State University, conducts research on the topic “Identification of vibrational spectra of intermolecular interactions in amino acids and their solutions.” Scientific supervisor – Abduvakhid Zhumaboev, professor at the Institute of Engineering Physics of Samara State University.
About 30 articles by Utkir Kholikulov have been published in international journals and conference proceedings in countries such as Germany, the USA, Russia, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia and Ukraine. 6 articles were published in Scopus and Web of Science databases. One educational and three teaching aids have been co-authored.
Utkir Kholikulov is a participant in the practical project for the production and study of optical properties of the International ERASMUS grant "INMACOM", the fundamental project "Development of spectroscopic and ab initio analysis methods for the study and application of nano-sized molecular clusters of biological objects" and "Synthesis of halogen perovskite quantum dots modified with organic dyes." He is also the head of the scientific laboratory of molecular spectroscopy at the Institute of Engineering Physics.
On February 14 of this year, he successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in physics and mathematics.
The young scientist’s research is aimed at studying the mechanism of formation of molecular complexes in liquid solutions and the spectral manifestation of intermolecular interactions in them. Based on these studies, the spectral properties of biological objects that play an important role in the pharmaceutical and food industries were studied. 3 research articles were published in Scopus and Web of Science.
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