Expert advice: What should you pay attention to when preparing the soil for seedlings?

To prepare the soil for planting in early spring, it is advisable for our farmers and gardeners to carry out the following agrotechnological work, taking into account the soil and climatic conditions of the place. In areas where the soil is not saline, cleared of weeds and the positive characteristics of the plow are preserved, a harrow and a scoop are used together and preparations are made for sowing seeds. If the field is clogged with weeds, it is cultivated to a depth of 6-8 centimeters or drawn to a depth of 10-12 centimeters, then the soil is prepared for sowing by harrowing. In areas with a supply of water or poorly plowed, chisel and rainfall are planted to a depth of 16-18 centimeters. In saline soils, it is dug to the depth of soil maturity and then sown with a harrow. In soils of heavy mechanical composition, chiselling can be repeated 1-2 times. If the field is heavily infested with weeds, it is recommended to plow the field with a plow with the plow out to a depth of 16-18 centimeters, then weed it out.
Mingzhigit Abdurahimov,
professor of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Technologies,
Samarkand State University.