"There is life because there is you".....

On March 8 - International Women's Day, a festive event was held at Samarkand State University.
Rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Khalmuradov opened the event with an opening speech:
- Women's Day is dear and dear to all of us. Because we cannot imagine our life without women. You are nearby, every day of our life is beautiful and happy. You know that in every part of society there is refinement, kindness, love, kindness. The human race must bow to the Mothers who gave birth, raised and gave their lives and blood. It is impossible not to note the ability and courage of our dear sisters and noble women, who received the honorary name of the Uzbek mother, to cradle the cradle with one hand and shake the world with one hand. Today this place was visited by the smartest, most intelligent, learned women of Samarkand. The glorious history of Samarkand State University, today’s bright future cannot be imagined without you, women scientists... Our dear women, the more we value, honor and respect you, the less we do. Through you, I sincerely congratulate all the women of Uzbekistan. I wish you happiness and good luck, love. Always walk around smiling. You have this life. Blessed holiday!
During the event, 218 female professors, teachers and employees, who set an example for others with their effective work at the university, were awarded a letter of gratitude from the rector of SamSU and gifts from the trade union. 335 female workers were awarded cash bonuses.
Also, melodies and songs performed by the team of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Samara State University gave the participants of the event a real festive mood.
Information service of Samarkand State University,
Photos were taken by Shavkat Akramov.