Devoted to science: Professor Abdurashid Jabborov

Abdurashid Jabborov – Head of the Department of Zoology, Institute of Biochemistry, Samarkand State University, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.
Professor Abdurashid Jabbarov is the head of the Samarkand branch of the Bird Conservation Society of Uzbekistan.
The scientist published 1 monograph, 4 textbooks, about 30 teaching aids, more than 10 teaching aids and about 400 scientific articles.
3 articles were published in Scopus databases. Author of 4 scientific projects, 4 inventions.
Under his scientific supervision, 1 candidate's dissertation was defended.
On the initiative of Abdurashid Jabbarov, a Taxidermy laboratory was created at the Zoological Museum. This laboratory teaches methods for preparing museum exhibits.
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Samarkand State University.