Cooperation between Samarkand State University and parents continues...

A meeting was held for talented 2nd year students of the Institutes of Biochemistry, Human Resource Management and Mahalla Development, Faculty of Geography and Ecology, Intelligent Systems and Computer Technologies of Samarkand State University and their parents.
Parents got acquainted with the activities of Samarkand State University for the first time and inspected the created conditions. They visited the institutes and faculties where their children study and took part in classes.
A film created according to the idea of the rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Halmuradov was presented to the attention of parents. The film shows the life path of heroes who came from ordinary families and achieved high results thanks to education.
The first vice-rectors of Samarkand State University, Akhmadzhon Soliev and Rustam Yuldashev, talked to the parents.
- I came from the Jizzakh region. Granddaughter Lailokhon studies at the Institute of Biochemistry of Samara State University,” says Mamur Mirzakulov. - This is my first visit to the university. I envy current students. I am very happy. I am grateful to the President for creating these conditions.
- I also graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Samarkand State University. My granddaughter Sevinch studies at the Faculty of Geography and Ecology,” says Askar Tukhtamurodov. - I worked at school for many years. My granddaughter wants to be a teacher like me, and I'm happy about it. The parents' meeting was useful for us. Our children's education is more important to us than just going to university. The state has created all opportunities for the education of our children. We must take responsibility for our children's learning and exploration...
- I came from the Bukhara region. My son studies at the Institute of Human Resource Management and Mahalla Development of Samara State University,” says Bakhodir Akhmedov. - I was glad that my son Ahmadjon studied in a talented group. My eyes were filled with happiness when I got acquainted with the conditions of the university. When we studied, there were no such opportunities. I often emphasized that the road was long and I had to study in Bukhara. Looking at today's circumstances, I am convinced that my child made the right choice. A film was shown at the meeting. I was deeply touched when one of the participants in the film, Hero of Uzbekistan Muhabbat Sharopova, spoke about her life, her difficulties and her achievements. Sister Muhabbat also graduated from SamSU and today was awarded the highest title in Uzbekistan.
Information service of Samarkand State University,
Photos were taken by Shavkat Akramov.