“For our children to live well, we need to give them an education”...

A meeting was organized for talented 3rd year students and their parents of the Faculty of Philology, History, Mathematics, Geography and Ecology, Intelligent Systems and Computer Technologies of Samarkand State University.
At the beginning of the event, parents got acquainted with the activities of Samarkand State University. They visited the lecture hall, training laboratory, IT center, library, museums where his children study. They were in the kitchen, in the dorm, in the gym.
A film created according to the idea of the rector of Samarkand State University, figure of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Halmuradov was presented to the attention of parents.
The film shows how an ordinary family achieved excellent results in the education of their children. This film aroused great interest among the event participants.
- In 1993-1998, I studied at the pedagogical faculty of Samarkand State University. “My daughter Navbakhor studies at the Faculty of Intelligent Systems and Computer Technologies of Samara State University,” says Umida Dzhonikulova. - As an employee of the education system, I can say that science has never received as much attention as it does today. I was surprised to see my daughter's faculty today. She studies in a luxurious building, in modern classrooms. It is commendable that the faculty has an IT center. I'm happy with it. I am grateful to our President for the opportunities provided to young people.
“My children Jaloliddin and Zebokhon study at the Faculty of Geography, Ecology and Pedagogy at Samarkand State University,” says Charos Otamurodova. - I am proud that my son is studying in a talented group. We teach our children to be smart and have a bright future. A film was shown at the meeting. This film turned out to be useful not only for our children, but also for ourselves. I learned more about the responsibilities of parents towards their children. I will try to create the best conditions for my children to study.
“I have always been proud of my daughter’s achievements. While studying in college, she also participated in the republican stage of the “Young Reader” competition,” says Nafisa Elmurodova. - Has an international language certificate IELTS 6.5. She is always an example for her brothers. I consider one of my daughter’s greatest achievements to be studying at Samarkand State University. Today I got acquainted with the university environment. It's impossible not to be impressed. A student who wants to study has every opportunity. In today's film, one phrase caught my attention, and it is true: “It is fate to be born poor. But living in poverty means laziness, lack of education, avoidance of work... Don’t forget that only knowledge, study, research will save you from poverty.” For our children to live well, we need to educate them. I believe that our cooperation with the university will serve our interests.
Information service of Samarkand State University,
Photos were taken by Shavkat Akramov.