The winners of the competitions have been awarded.

A ceremony was held to award the winners and prizewinners of the competitions on the topics "Knowledge Against Ignorance," "How Do I Understand the Threat of Terrorism?" and "Let's Be a Worthy Generation for Our Ancestors," held at Samarkand State University.
The winners of the essay competition on the topic "How Do I Understand the Threat of Terrorism?" are:
1st place – Nafisa Fayzullayeva, student of group 401, Faculty of Philology;
2nd place – Marjona Egamshukurova, student of group 304, Faculty of Law;
2nd place – Shohsanam Norboyeva, student of group 105, Faculty of Philology;
3rd place – Shaxzoda Rustamova, student of group 304, Faculty of Law;
3rd place – Ozoda Abdullayeva, student of group 401, Faculty of Philology.
The winners of the poetry competition on the topic "Let's Be a Worthy Generation for Our Ancestors" are:
1st place – Mashxura Usmonova, student of group 101, Faculty of Philology;
2nd place – Sardorbek Abdullayev, student of group 405, Institute of Biochemistry;
3rd place – Farangiz Boliqulova, student of group 304, Institute of Biochemistry.
The winners of the drawing competition on the topic "Knowledge Against Ignorance" are:
1st place – Zebuniso Bo'riboyeva, student of group 404, Fine Arts department (Painting);
2nd place – Parvina Samatova, student of group 404, Fine Arts department (Painting);
3rd place – Sabrina Yazdonova, student of group 101, Design: Computer Graphics and Artistic Photography department;
3rd place – Navro'za Hamrayeva, student of group 102, Graphics: Calligraphy and Miniature department.
Samarkand State University
Press Service.