Akhatov Akmal Rustamovich

Vice-Rector for International Cooperation | Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor



Information security, Computer vision, Artificial intelligence



Laureate of the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, established in 2003 for graduate students
In 2004, he defended his thesis on the topic “Methods and algorithms for increasing the reliability of the transmission and processing of text information” at the scientific council of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Modern Information Technologies” ITI and received the academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences
In 2004-2014 he worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor at the Department of Information Technologies of Samarkand State University
In 2014, in the presence of the Academic Council of TATU, he defended his dissertation on the topic “Software and algorithmic complex for increasing the reliability of information in electronic document management systems” and received the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.
In 2016-2017, he worked as a leading researcher in the innovative project of the state grant A5-039 “Development of software tools for constructing parallel algorithms for data mining” at the Samarkand branch of TATU.
In 2017-2018, he was the head of the innovative project of the state grant VA-A5-033 “Creation of an automated system for processing information and monitoring activities in medical institutions” at the TATU Samarkand branch.
In 2021-2022, he created an intelligent software product “Sound and Text Transcription”, which creates a transcript by recognizing and processing voice and text based on speech signals.
In 2009 he received the title of associate professor, and in 2019 - the title of professor.
2 monographs, 11 educational and methodological works have been published.
Published 25 scientific articles in the Scopus database,
50 in prestigious international magazines,
80 scientific articles in republican journals included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission,
120 articles and theses in collections of international and republican conferences.
Author of about 30 software certificates.



1991-1997 – Student at Samarkand State University
1997-1999 – Director of the private company “Karvon” in the city of Samarkand
1999-2000 - Director of the “Information and Consulting Center” at the Samarkand City Chamber of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
2000-2003 - Postgraduate student at the Department of Information Technologies, Samarkand State University
2003-2005 - Assistant at the Department of Information Technologies, Samarkand State University
2005-2006 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Information Technologies, Samarkand State University
2006-2014 - Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies, Samarkand State University
2014-2016 - And about. Professor of Samarkand State University and the Department of Information Technologies
2016-2017 - Head of the International Relations Department of Samarkand State University
2017-2019 - Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of Samarkand State University
2019-2019 - Head of the Department of Innovation and Project Coordination of the Center for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies in the Sphere of Public Education of the Ministry of Public Education
2019-2021 - Deputy Director for Scientific Work and Innovation of the Jizzakh Branch of the National University of Uzbekistan
2021-2022 - Head of the Department of Natural and Exact Sciences, Faculty of International Educational Programs, Samarkand State University
2022 - present - Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of Samarkand State University



The role of digital technologies in all spheres is sharply increasing in the world: in education, the socio-economic sphere, in various management processes, in the mutual exchange of information and even in the everyday life of mankind. As a result, not only unstructured or semi-structured data is created, but also large streams of structured data, which until now were considered simple to store and process. Real-time processing of these large data streams is becoming a hot research topic as the processing time of these large data streams using traditional methods and systems increases in proportion to the volume of data. The emergence of large streams of structured data in a short period of time complicates the process of managing this data and increases the relevance of research.
Typically, a stream of data generated in such short periods of time creates structured fast data class data streams. In addition, one of the effective methods for analyzing unstructured or semi-structured data is their processing and analysis by translating them into a specific structure. As a result of transferring a large volume of structured and semi-structured data into a specific structure, data streams of the structured fast data class are also created. It is known that structured fast data class information is the main part of information widely used in the world today. Effective analysis of this data makes it possible to fully interpret the processes that have occurred, are occurring, and may occur in all areas. In this field, researchers in these areas face a number of challenges, such as the collection, storage, real-time processing and optimal management of structured fast data streams.
Today, research to develop new algorithms for optimal control of data flows in the network is being carried out in many countries around the world, such as the USA, Great Britain, the Russian Federation, India, Australia, Japan, China, Germany, and Canada. Much of the current research is based on storing and processing large data streams based on distributed computing mechanisms to achieve time efficiency by processing data in multiple parts. Although the methods and algorithms of the distributed computing engine are a solution with high potential for storing and analyzing large data streams, due to the speed of data flow, they limit the ability of the human factor to optimally manage processes. Therefore, today there is a need to develop artificial intelligence algorithms for optimal management of these processes.
In our republic, a lot of work is being done to digitalize the processes of collecting, storing and processing data in all areas. In order to further accelerate and improve these works, Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 10, 2020 No. PF-6079 “DIGITAL UZBEKISTAN - 2030” provides for the accelerated digital development of sectors of the economy, the social sphere and the public administration system. In particular, the tasks of further improving the mechanisms for providing electronic services have been identified.
The objectives of the scientific direction are: development of algorithms for managing data flows in the class of fast structured data based on the internal distribution mechanism; optimization of the number of horizontally distributed database tables of the fast data class, structured on the basis of a multilayer neural network; development of algorithms for distributing data streams in the class of fast data, structured on the basis of clustering algorithms; development of unsupervised clustering algorithms based on the square of the vector length, taking into account the optimal distribution of data streams in the class of structured fast data.
As practical results, the following can be shown: a functional diagram of the internal distribution of data flows in the class of structured fast data has been developed and a control algorithm has been developed based on the rules for the distribution of data flows in the internal distribution mechanism; a software module has been developed for optimizing the number of horizontally distributed database tables in the fast data class, structured on the basis of multivariate regression, polynomial regression, machine learning logistic regression algorithms and a 5-layer neural network; algorithmic support for the distribution of data streams in the class of structured fast data based on clustering algorithms has been developed; an unsupervised clustering software module has been developed for the optimal distribution of data streams in the class of structured fast data.




"1. Braille classification algorithms using neural networks
2. Optimization of the database structure based on Machine Learning algorithms in case of increased data flow
3. Intelligent modeling and optimization of processes in the labour market
4. Evaluation of the human pose on the basis of creating a graph of movements on the basis of a neural network
5. Detection and analysis of traffic jams using computer vision technologies
6. The Same Size Distribution of Data Based on Unsupervised Clustering Algorithms
7. Real-time big data processing based on a distributed computing mechanism in a single server"