Department of scientific project management and commercialization of innovative developments
Norkulov Masudjon Ma'rufovich
- Phone: 0366-239-12-29
- 2011-2015 - Student of Samarkand State University
- 2016-2018 - Graduate student of Samarkand State University
- 2018-2019 - Assistant of the Botany Department of Samarkand State University
- 2020-2022 - Doctoral student of the Botany Department of Samarkand State University
- 2022-thm- Head of the sector of scientific project management and commercialization of innovative developments of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov
The department of commercialization of scientific and innovative developments was established on the basis of the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 7, 2018 No. 3698 "On additional measures to improve the introduction of innovation mechanisms in economic sectors". The activity of the department is based on the current laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the orders and normative documents of other state administrative bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the protection of the intellectual sphere, and the protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan. with international agreements, with the orders and orders of the university rector, it is carried out on the basis of its Charter and other regulatory documents.
The Department of Commercialization of Developments was established in order to ensure the commercialization of scientific and innovative developments and the results of scientific and research activities that belong to the right of the university. industrial enterprises in order to study, evaluate the profitability related to the commercialization of innovative products, select projects ready for commercialization and implementation, attract investors, partners and other interested parties to the implementation of innovative projects, and introduce new technologies and produce innovative products operates in the directions of cooperation with
Tasks of the department
- Organization of the research works carried out in the department and scientific laboratories and help to increase their effectiveness.
- Preparation and submission of documents for selection of projects in international and state grants and other directions.
- Preparation and presentation of plans and reports of scientific and research works carried out on the basis of international and state grants and economic contracts.
- Establishing contacts with other higher educational institutions, as well as ensuring the establishment of international scientific relations.
- In his work, he obeys the Employer's Charter, the Employer's orders and orders, he strictly follows the instructions of this position and the rules of the Internal Labor Procedure
- Applying the results of studies conducted in departments, state grants, economic contracts to the national economy, predicting their participation in the republican and regional fair of scientific ideas, developments and technologies, achieving the signing of contracts based on them;
- Involve university professors, masters, students and employees in scientific work;
- Selection of projects ready for commercialization and implementation;
- Organization of the research works carried out in the department and scientific laboratories and help to increase their effectiveness.
- Formulation and planning of topics that are carried out on the basis of the budget and economic contract. Organizing participation in the selection of scientific projects, collecting proposals and comments on their creation;
- Conclusion of economic agreements with enterprises and organizations aimed at solving regional problems;
- The leading researcher of the sector of scientific project management and commercialization of innovative developments provides advisory, legal and informational support to the employees of the educational, scientific, production and administrative departments of the university within the competence of the commercialization department and in accordance with the functions performed;
- Strictly comply with the rules of labor protection, safety equipment and production sanitation;
- Collecting, storing and forming a database on the developments and results of research activities created by university scientists, carrying out work on the effective use of the results of intellectual activity;
- Strictly observe the execution and labor discipline stipulated by the internal procedures of the University and the current legislation.